He circled Bakkers property like a vulture and tried to save it or use it to his advantage. As well as Pastor mark left but Im sure everyone feels that is because of something Mark did. Miserable, Hugh, You should listen to Michael when he says I did not make Bob Coy have sex with women other than his wife. Power corrupts and if you know your pastor isnt Jesus, then dont tempt him and stumble him with all that power that only a Jesus wouldnt be corrupted by. Coys position on Israel is moot if his relationship with his wife is on the rocks. Didnt God provide for this with the whole concubine thing. I would imagine if Chuck Smith were around he would probably have Coy restored in about 3 months. People were asked to make pledges. The make-up session with DC was at the auction so it was bid on. This is not uncommon among men. OR THOUGHT OF SOMEONE ELSE WHILE YOU WERE BEING INTIMATE WITH YOUR WIFE??? Though having an affair is the most likely of the possibilities, there is NO factual confirmation of this and anybody reporting it as fact at this point is wrong. What you are doing is accusing someone you dont know of sins that you know nothing of to deflect guilt from someone you idolize. He confessed to his moral failing and is focusing his time on repairing his relationship with God and his family. my point exactly. I have to be totally confident that Im right. Bob did it. I have read SO MANY comments from Bob Coy followers that said, Bob always said to us, If you trust in me, I will let you down. Sheesh. where the Bible literally says that there will be a 1,000 yr EARTHLY reign of Christ this should not be hard since it is so clear. Now, like all humbled sinners should, may he experience effective and redemptive compassion from those that love him. Ever. Many of them do indeed have this going on, yes. Clearly some felt the news should come out right away rather than one last sunday morning coverup cum offering and they made sure that is exactly what happened. Was he ever wrong? When confronted with his sin he stepped down, he could have fought it or refused to step down as many have, but he didnt. And I did ask Andy and others if they could make a connection between Isaiah and the millennium? I agree with Michael, that MacArthur is being grossly misrepresented here. That was my first church. Jean- Yes it went on because I knew a couple that had dinner with BC and wife with only a few other couples. The majority of this thread is a disgrace to anyone who calls themself a Christian. I think they need to clean house in order to restore confidence. I did not make Bob Coy have sex with women other than his wife. If so, how did He seek The Lord through study and prayer? It has nothing to do with the Bible. What are you talking about BD, the context was always Isaiah 11, I never made reference to Rev 5, you did, pulling a Jehovahs Witness move, instead of dealing with the passage, jumping somewhere that had nothing to do with the millennium that I was addressing, so you could try to prove your point, and your pretense at trying to be superior is typical of preterists when they cant defend their view! In the days of the 6 channels that some of us remember, the temptation did not exist as it does today. Did Diane Coy get remarried? - AnswersAll - answer-all.com In my opinion, if he did this [to one victim], it's just a question of how many others are out there. Because I dared tell the truth about your idol? If youre so incredibly stupid as to think Id print something that inflammatory without proof, I really cant help you. After all fired makes for a much better scandal then resigned. I am glad to see the Board either making a deal to buy Coy out or maybe the Board had the power in the by-laws to deal with a moral failure like thisdunno, but do know that you cant really have a CC-style church that puts some much emphasis on their brand of transformation Gospel while pointing fingers at those outside the church for stuff like gay marriage etcand then have a guy in that CC pulpit that is addicted to p0rn and having relations with multiple women who are not his wife. I love my husband and I dont want to be divorced, but when things have been unhappy between us, I have had to literally run away from sin because I was tempted to allow someone else to give me emotional support that should have come from my own husband, but wasnt at the time. Someone else may have more info on this subject. I have absolutely no sympathy for the adulterer. one more thing. But I cannot confirm on the matter. Seems sad, really. Oh, Florida of little faith! Not only of church/pastors in my past, but unfortunately, I know too well the pain Diane Coy is feeling having been there myself. My children very young at the time and all of this confused them. (tvacute.com)Here we explained everything. So here is one for you. MLD wrote: so you put up a man who has been dead over 400 yrs and argue with him. He is being destroyed in the media and the usual covering has not been applied by CCCM. Truth and reality may arise for all involved. Diane Coy Brodersen - Psychology Today All the best that money can buy. They were about 630 employees last count. Is there a man here who would NOT do the same. I understand the severity of this. Not everyone should stay married for their reputation in a church. He must be sighing in disappointment. Some of us can duck arrows better then others. And my Bible says for God so loved THE WHOLE WORLD Sorry no tulip there! Bob chose to do that. He quit the cocaine and strippers, met his wife, and moved to South Florida to preach. How long did you stay out of ministry before you came back, what measures did you take to make sure you didnt sin again, does your present congregation know of your adulterous past? We have an enemy and it is not Pastor Bob. Why? They would rather see a family trashed than do what is right by the Lord. Read some of the reporting from the time. This was the zenith of Jakes career. Then Outreach Pastor Chet Lowe specifiedto the congregation that Coy "committed adultery with more than one woman" and "committed sexual immorality, habitually, through pornography.". Humiliation breeds humility. It must and does operate by the same worldly standards as any other corporation. http://members.tranquility.net/~rwinkel/911/Wakeup2/MLKTrial.html. Two thirds of the congregation will be seated already knowing. This time, Smith and his son Jeff actually turned on their pastor, pushing him out. Coy rented space for his church from a funeral parlor in Oakland Park and made ends meet by selling shoes while his wife worked as a waitress. We are at that place. Should we handle this any differently? Coy is exposed for his moral situation. ok. Things like not drinking beer or lusting after women. Gods speed in healing for all. Im not too concerned about Bob Coy right now.. Ill say the amen. Christians, beware of the deadly doctrines of Calvinism/dominionism. They always fail to note the huge differences between the king and themselves. You dont have to answer that. Young Sheldon Season 6 Episode 14 Recap: George and Mary Breakup? do unto others as you would have done to you. The Bible is brutally honest about the failings of the heros of the faith. If your understanding of the Bible has completely isolated you from the greater Body of Christ, it is safe to say you are misunderstanding it. How many people attend your church, I want to make sure your crusading vendetta against CC is not born out of jealousy, for a work that God has raised up in these last days and the devil through people like you is attacking incessantly! This time around you guys got it right. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth. You, on the other hand, seem to have difficulty. 14 And they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines on the west; together shall they spoil the children of the east; they shall put forth their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them. Repentance is a change of mind, or a conversion from sin to God. Get back to us in a year. And I am not a Calvinist. I dont like that at all. Dispensationalism was unheard of until the 1800s. Many asked what where his motives for this if not selfish and serve serving and THAT is NOT of GOD!!!!!! You must be great at bringing people the Good News. When someone calls a corporation for a reference most will only speak to whether the person is eligible to rehire or not. Is it a place to raise up believers to Go out and make disciples? I remember when and Bob Coy with Pastor Mark Davis called me to confront me on my infidelity. He is in the process of restoration. I do not have an exact timeline for when the board fired Coy, but they are the ones who have chosen to not speak to the situation yet. Adultery creates a ripple effect that grows outward and touches so many lives not just the two involved and it takes two willing participants to maintain. The church was more concerned with non-believers.. come as you are to meet Jesus than protecting their own sheep. Youre boorish behavior reflects poorly on the myriad of folks who are supportive of the Coy family and the value or validity of the teaching ministry he had. hat happened to Sharon? I figure that is why you are now circling your wagon around Coy. The church should set a mechanism for those that dont know how to deal with their sin to discretely discuss it and decide how to move forward. What are my options if the operation goes wrong? Am I reading that Coy bought out churches and did not use a large chunk of the 103 million raised and praised by Chuck to build out their new campus? Sad, very sad because this affects many congregations, not just FTL. If there wasnt grace then all would be toast. The internet and increased availability of sexual content, both in the explosion of adult entertainment and media in general has really opened the door to men (and boys and women and girls) to be exposed to so much. I absolutely saw folly in my tenure with CC but I walked around that which would block my path, you will experience this where ever you go but please go somewhere to seek understanding. , ; , -. 4. Well, what happened to the $ since there was never a new sanctuary? Coy shocked his flock and made national headlines by walking away from his ministry, selling his house, and divorcing his wife. Just answer the question! Sure would make the shame easier to bear. The less-er donors got a buffet lunch. The chapel's founder, Kent Nottingham, told a local TV station that there'd been no suspicion of abuse and that he was "shocked.". Bob Coy did not address the congregation on Sunday. This website is, usually, dominated by people that hold to one very narrow view of eschatology. Im in good standing with my church and those Im accountable to. I trip on all you. Bob messed up, and now may everyone involved refuse to be offended and proceed forward to continuing victory in Christ. I empathize with those of you who have have called Bob your Pastor. Ill make you a deal, Lorenzo, well part company tonight, and I will think of my children who have made me proud, and walk upstairs with my wife, the wife of my youth and love of my life, and we will fall asleep in each others arms, whispering prayers of thankfulness for each other. Brother, you need a hug. There is a lot more mercy proffered on this blog this weekend regarding this matter than I read last weekend when the subject was the WV matter. in fact the lamb is lying with the lion, its to be taken spiritually. Lol, they remind me of the dwarves in The Last Battle, who couldnt see the reality of Aslans return because they were so locked up in their dark world (help yourself to the symbolism there mr. Calvins disciple, plenty there for you)! Boyd Coddington - Wikipedia I know the poster meant well, but this seems to be the kind of pastor worship that causes these problems in the first place, and lets pastors feel invincible for years of sin. This megachurch has about 16,830 weekly visitors. And the harmony in the animal kingdom and man will no longer be afraid of the wild beasts, only of the raging false teaching Calvinists! Thank you Bob Sweat, Paige and others who have gone through thisthank you for speaking truth and speaking with love and grace. Was God behind it? Did Jesus forget or had he not yet read the play book? King David was called to build the temple of the lord much like a Pastor is called to build a church / congregation. Lets see you tie that to Rev 20. Coy has had a national ministry, not just one to the local church and his fall is a matter of national news. Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale spokesman Mike Miller said Monday the church was not commenting beyond its statement. I already annihilated your baptism is required to receive the Spirit thing yesterday, with the house of Cornelius getting the Spirit before baptism. No Im not CC? Thats over a half million, not including his church salary, book royalties and possible speaking fees. Pastor Robert Coy, the former Las Vegas casino entertainment director turned religious leader for one of Florida's biggest megachurches, has been accused of molesting a 4-year-old girl. AND YES I KNOW THEY ARE CONNECTED AND PRIDE COMES BEFORE Ive seen knock out hot girls in tight dresses looking more like they are going clubbing than to Gods house stand in line to get a picture with him, he was your Pastor girls and MARRIED hes not a freakin rock star. Jesus loves him and his family very much. They dealt with BC finally, but apparently (alleged) child abusers can be overlooked. One harsh standard for othersthen grace! and mercy! and not the same standard when its time for the pastor to pay for his sins. But I should know better than to engage with people who hold to replacement theology. I have judged no man here, in fact I am horribly sad that Mr. Coy is going through the crap hes created for himself, his family and his community, not judging, but truly sad. I sincerely hope you will stop wasting your time on this blog, seeing each of for who we really are, a bunch of very failure ridden representatives of Jesus, just faking our way through every day and butchering this faith called Christianity. You got a star on your forehead you dont cheat on your wife. Yes I do. I will be giving more information as it is vetted. MLD wrote: I havent brought up Luther once. I understand your hearts pain and I presume you are a single young woman so the thought of a man or woman in the ministry falling is very disheartening to say the least. People have confused us before and want to make sure I am not associated with his strange ideas. and help keep the future of New Times, Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our. The following day, the victim told the police that she was not ready to proceed with a criminal investigation unless a second person came forward. The next year, he raised an insane $103 million in donations the most by a single megachurch to date. You will have new people to blame for the fact that your pastor couldnt keep his pants on. Why? Power corrupts. Check out any of the Reformers on the anti-Christ, Michael wrote: Dispensationalism was unheard of until the 1800s. Part of HuffPost Religion. he dispatches each to their eternal destinies 5.) come now and get real it is plain as day, that if you really read the Bible with all your heart you would know that the mark of the beast is a bar code stamped on your forehead. Unlike many Protestant churches, which set up powerful boards of elders to oversee ministers, Calvary used a management style Smith called the "Moses method. God forbid he get a real job like the rest of us. Every man gets tired of the same ole same ole and wants a little variety, some men just hide it better than others, or they find the outlet through porn or in their imagination, every man has a file cabinet with all kinds of images and scenes and past experiences that he pulls out when the need arises, so all those men criticizing another in this area are hypocrites. I may have forgotten the exact amount but it was somewhere between 3,500.00 and 5,000.00. RiBo @ 145 Yes, all the more evidence that men are still sinners after they are savedthere is no transformationmen still sin in the same or different areas as before they were saved.. You and I argue a lotbut Im in agreement with you on this matter. And, I dont see anyone coming to the defense of his co-sinners why not all since you defend one of the sinners so vigorously? Because, they know where you got your doctrine, and they know going in, all the errors and twists of interpretation. Is the IRS coming to take them to jail?
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