Patricia Joanns gun and beating wounds were obvious, but the baby died a less violent (but just as horrible) death with no clear signs. That poor child and that poor woman. Her jealousy and rage because Joann told her to not contact her husband set her off. Patricia Lynne Rorrer made for a good suspect. Lawrence Slaughter is currently serving a life sentence in Calipatria State Prison for the murder of Jerome Scott as well. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. Did they ever determine cause of death in the baby? Check out ALL the facts if you feel the need to comment. Mark and Patricia McCloskey And she would just call out of the blue., According to the Free Patricia Rorrer page on Facebook:I called him to let him know that I was going to the USA finals for a horse show. And she will have to answer eventually. Thank you and well said. Yaser Abdel Said, 63, was arrested Wednesday by agents in the small town of Justin, about 36 miles northwest of Dallas, officials said. Ex-boyfriend Walter Blalock said that Patricia wanted him to be more like Andrew. No way they laid there for 4 months!!!! But hang on You ask that I show care with my wording and show all the tolerance in the world, and by that you presumably mean I should simply ignore those who villify her in the most disgraceful way, probably in the opinion that all readers of their comments will agree, and no one is going to take offence! Justice is about uncovering the truth. And even prosecutor Michael McIntyre, who wrote the book Hair Trigger about the case, acknowledged to Keith Morrison that it was a little odd that the police found blood on the hairs in Joanns car but nowhere else in the vehicle. Dame Patricia said she was "deeply saddened" to hear of her former co-star's death. The obvious, if moot, response to this is to observe that her conviction wasnt based on inaccurate documentaries but on trial. The couple was not allowed to have contact during court proceedings. "Clive was a skilful and inventive actor with wide experience, as his successful career proved," she said. She said that shes no fan of Forensic Files and that the show had many misrepresentations about her case and that shed heard mixed up some facts as well. ), The Wrong Man investigators Ira Todd and Joe Kennedy have some theories of their own. They were people that knew her, not Andrew. Until next time, cheers. A federal jury found Yassein Abdulfatah Said, 59, guilty on one count of conspiracy to conceal a person from arrest, one count of concealing a person from arrest and one count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. Just saying. Which Patricia did not, so who is the real killer? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I accept there are a couple of remarks which can be seen that way but they are in direct response to those whove been offensive in the first place. Relatives at the time told cops that Yaser threatened bodily harm against Sarah for going on a date with a non-Muslim. Patrica Owens, Yaser Said's ex-wife, testified before the jury Thursday morning and said why she fled her home with her daughters only to return days before they were You are not expressing an opinion but making an assertion or claim of fact: [I] have absolutely no doubt she was railroaded and wrongfully convicted. You are claiming innocence as fact there is no doubt shes innocent. In addition to the Facebook page, there are Reddit threads on her case. Other loyal friends and associates attested to Patricias kindness toward horses and devotion to her daughter, whom she took along as she worked in stables. Detective Barry Grube found it odd that Andrew fixed the severed phone line before police examined it in essence tampering with evidence. Patricia Lets stop pretending we can definitively prove this woman murdered this woman and her child. A man normally wouldnt care about killing a child, but a woman normally would have some kind of abhorrence to harming an innocent child. Have a tip we should know? And shes were so happy. Which, for this very reason, is at present being investigated by a federal judge? I had never been in jail before and I wasnt allowed to go outside. You know whats interesting? And its been bad. Very soon after, the original hairs (in glass slides) were sent to the FBI again. I noticed that her defense lawyer and others advocating for her is not mentioning more about the gun. Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. "If she could do that as a woman, my God.". 8/9/2022 Yaser Said was convicted of capital murder Tuesday in the 2008 fatal shootings of his two teenage daughters, 18-year-old Amina Said and 17-year-old Sarah Said. Some two years into the investigation of Rorrer, a court order was obtained to remove hair specimens from her. After her arraignment, she had to walk past a crowd of dozens of locals screeching hang her! and baby killer! Patricia clung to a Polaroid picture showing her and her own little girl. Meticulous primping. Yet, you have a story like Darlie Rutier who supposedly stabbed herself seriously enough that was centimeters from her carotid artery, yet this woman is in prison still? Killers can plan all the details and alibis well ahead of the murder while cops must come up with hard evidence, even just to make an arrest. Your pathetic attempt to insult not only shows a not very original comment, but clearly displays a lack of intelligence. Alex Murdaugh found guilty of killing wife, son Said Patricia DALLAS Yaser Said, once listed as one of the most wanted men in America, has been found guilty of killing his two teenage daughters. . Theres a similar air of confusion connected to the Scott Peterson debacle. That, as well as measurements of the babys head (revealing the infant to be of a more advanced age) very much suggest they were killed some considerable time after what was believed at her trial. Well, at least you managed some sense there when you say that, especially when you take into account the amount of evidence and witnesses which were withheld from the Defence and what appears to be a clear case of evidence-tampering. They depict scenes which are pure speculation or exaggeration or present scenes, which in fact were only theories mentioned at her trial. Patricia seemed like the girl next door but all of a sudden, something snapped, Katrinak later told Wrong Man investigators. She took out the woman who replaced her. It was total shock. That documentary points out that, despite the bodies of the two victims supposedly being exposed for several months, their condition remained relatively undisturbed by weather or animal activity. Just one example. His hair (back in 94-95) was dirty blonde and roughly 8 inches long. Opinion: the ideas that a person or a group of people have about something or someone, which are based mainly on their feelings and beliefs, or a single idea of this type.. Mr Freeman, Why are youre rude about others who disagree with your OPINION (including jury and appeal judges)? Prosecution leader McIntyre, when interviewed, laughingly dismissed him as a nut in an effort to trivialise Traupmans input. The hearing of the motion for reduction of felony to misdemeanor will be held Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 1:30 p.m. in the Riverside Courthouse at 4050 Main St. in Department 42. According to Arletta Wright, Patricia needs to be driven because she has been legally blind since the age of 16. It would appear you are reading all sorts of interpretations into my comments especially that I have a fragile ego, dented by others whove responded to me! And Patricia wasnt all edges. Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty Thursday to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000. Lawyers pleaded their cases in closing arguments to 12 jurors and three alternates for nearly two hours Tuesday morning. What has that to do with the point youre trying to make? She was wrongfully convicted.. Oklahoma Incest Case: Mom Married Kids - Peoplemag Does it actually have to be an obligatory duty for anyone to be present at a trial before they are able to have an opinion? There was also forensic evidence, obviously planted by them crooked cops, according to defenders. At the trial, prosecutor Michael McIntyre alleged that Patricia remained obsessed with Andrew Katrinak long after their breakup despite testimony that shed had many boyfriends and live-in lovers to occupy her bandwidth. Addressing Patricia Prue, Judge Robert Bent said the sentence of life without parole was "fitting" since she was a full participant in the crime. Your comment could not be farther than the truth! And this was never disclosed to Rorrers Defence. After researching this case more thoroughly, I stand corrected about the time it took the jury to return a verdict. Mal told Keith Morrison that Patricias dance teacher originally confirmed her alibi that she was in class on the day of the murder, then changed his mind. Just one example. If you have ever met or been in a relationship with a narcissist, the former partner being with a more young and attractive-looking person would make them go off. A man was convicted Thursday of helping to hide a brother who was accused of murdering his teenage daughters in Irving more than 12 years ago, the U.S. Attorneys Office announced. If her husband was going to do that Im sure he wouldve done it in a totally different way! Oh my God. Its totally irrelevant. WebAmina and Sarah Said were murdered by their father Yaser Abdul Said an Egyptian immigrant on January 1st 2008. 3 Chicago officers acquitted of covering up for colleague who shot She was also accused of breaking into barns, stealing horses, and underfeeding the ones she owned. MY STATE OF MIND is based on factual information. So would judge and jury say. Jerry Browns office. Forensic tests suggested the hair found in the car and at the murder scene came from Patricia. Unlike most people who stayed on the streets all day, she maintained a neat, attractive appearance, wearing makeup and a dress or skirt each day. Id wanna be done with that shite quick too.. meh what do I know! This article can also be seen at Patricia Owens, She hasnt, she didnt get a hard enough sentence. A Pittsburgh-area woman missing for over 30 years and declared legally dead several years ago has been found alive in Puerto Rico, authorities in Pennsylvania said on Thursday. There is way too much doubt in this case for my comfort. A newspaper account described Patricia as a soft-spoken, demure woman who had a sweet Southern accent and wore feminine clothes in court. Joann was fun, likable, beautiful, always happy, said her sister-in-law Cindy Wiard. I would suggest you take the time to read the book or, at least watch the documentaries which STICK TO THE FACTS, and then comment. Browns action to grant clemency was rescinded after discovering that Patricia Wright had two prior felonies from when her son stole two 99-cent toys and a hand towel from an open house 15 years earlier. In TV clips, Andrew didnt come off as anguished. She held up pictures of her dead daughters. who pointed guns at protesters plead Animals would have for sure. Prosecutors did not seek the death penalty, so Said was automatically sentenced to life in prison with no parole. But defense lawyer Robert Pfeiffer said that plenty of evidence supported Patricias innocence. In summer, after thawing, there will be small animals eating the body and even turkey vultures, but not so much in the winter. Does it actually have to be an obligatory duty for anyone to be present at a trial before they are able to have an opinion? She is a tough one, Sheriff Gerald Hege would later tell the Morning Call in a June 29, 1997 interview. Not gender neutral. How about the mix up with the hair and the fact that it was not forensically tested (outside of the one man who compared the hairs through naked eye). Joanns first husband, New Jersey construction worker Michael Jack, who had reportedly abused her during their marriage, also had a solid alibi. Exactly I very much doubt you are. Both were deceased. Patricia And Mark McCloskey Who Waved Guns At BLM Protesters Dont know from where youve got your information about this case my guess is youve been watching a lot of those documentaries which revel in showing the case in a disgracefully biased manner. Patricia was relieved when police took him for custody after 12 years of her daughter's murder. However, that first theory very neatly allows the cops to further theorise that the gun she once owned (which had a history of jamming after the first shot) was the one used at the murder. They retested hair from the car in 2008 with updated new technology. The Riverside County public defender stated that the court may reduce her first two offences to misdemeanors because they are classified as wobblers. Wobbler refers to a criminal offense that can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony. All my comments have been vetted and approved by this sites organisers so how do you see yourself as the judge of whats acceptable or not? According to William G. Kelley, director of the Law Offices of the Orange County Associate Defender, Patricia did not receive a fair trial. Patricia They broke up in 1993. "Please do the right thing for Melissa.". The girls mother, Patricia Said, fled with Marsicovetere cited studies done by several doctors during pretrial proceedings, saying that they determined Patricia Prue suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and might suffer from dissociative identity disorder as well. They also think she killed her first hubby Larry Ford as well. And, why is it reasonable to believe lay people accept the jury verdict? "I hope somebody gets their hands on you and hurt you and do everything you ever did to anybody. of course they all do it to make money only, some of them do it shamelessly, without the slightest attempt to be fair and honest. I was like OK, maybe she was tired, you know with a new baby. Its true that women were more idiots than about men, they had the impression that if they caught a fool to take them as wives, they would settle for life, even today we see that but more diluted, still an exaggerated reason for murder. They found several specimens but not a single one was a match. [emailprotected]. On Alexs diaper bag, police found strands of the same type of hair from the car. There is no justice for your loved ones when the wrong person is paying for the crime. I dont think she was ever scared until we put the cuffs on her.. Which explains why she made Joann kill the baby, or suffer from the environmental elements. It showed her usually all-brown hair haphazardly highlighted blond. Re Sells, the problem viz some serial killers is in exaggerating the number as a badge of honour. Its perfectly understandable that one should feel sorry for the victims of this heinous crime. Rorrers filed multiple appeals over issues you raise, the latest recently and rejected. Yes, that doesnt mean shes unquestionably guilty, but it does mean her case has been relatively exhaustively examined (and its not over) and it means that your assertion that you are right and the guilty camp are wrong (and that this should be obvious) is absurdly overplayed. Joann would have fought for her life the person that did this would have had marks on them from a fight! Clive Swift: Keeping Up Appearances star dies When police traveled to North Carolina to interview Patricia about the murders of Joann and Alex, she said that on the day of the homicides, she had visited a feed store, a tanning salon, and a country music club. This case is not over yet more to follow only trouble is, law moves along at a pitiful pace. Have you watched any of the documentaries Ive mentioned? More likely it reflects a relative reluctance to execute females as well as the pendency of what will be the last episode of DNA investigation. It fails to mention the car was totally clean of any other forensic residue. so then using your contention, one who is deeply religious and sees God as being a factual figure is wrong? Why wouldnt they let any of her witnesses testify? Dont even think about arguing with me until they DNA test that hair and the broken fingernail found on her body; Ill just laugh at you. We've received your submission. Another witness, Walter Traupman, who never testified, had told state troopers that on the day of Joanns disappearance, he saw a couple who looked like Joann and Andrew arguing about the paternity of a baby. In 1981, Patricia Wrights second husband, Willie Jerome Scott, was found stabbed to death in his mobile home park in Los Angeles. There is so much in your comment with which I can take issue, but Ill try to keep to the salient points. Her diary certainly indicates some disturbed thinking. Especially mice! She had had numerous run-ins with the police and, each time, would tell them to be ready because the end of the world was coming. I've been thinking about them the last two weeks every morning when I wake up and close my eyes," she said. The women testified last week. I happen to be one of those deluded people youre so freely attempting to insult. I am sorry it ever happened at all.". Puny policy. So where they alive somewhere, and if so how could of Patricia, who was questioned, with not one mark on her kill them? Two problems, then: a failure to see your own position as you see others (failure to comprehend irony), and failure to understand the difference between fact and opinion. His defense team raised concerns about what they considered a lack of evidence during closing arguments. Youre so fixated with her guilt, youre unable to see other factors that show this case to be a disgraceful travesty. For more on the Katrinak murder case, you can watch Autopsy Six: A Fatal Attraction for free on YouTube. I decided to just plead guilty to get it over with.. I thought the justice system in my state and the people were narrow-minded and corrupt. In North Carolina, she reportedly enjoyed some success as a horse trader, riding instructor, and rodeo competitor. So much of it, it would take all day to elaborate here. Patricia Rorrer has been portrayed as a bully, petty thief, neglectful horse owner, and heartless killer or a sweet, caring friend railroaded by authorities desperate to solve a double-murder case that snagged worldwide interest. Interesting thought about the alibi timing. More hairs there. "Justice would have been the Irving Police Department doing their job," defense attorney Joe Patton said during closing arguments. And while youre on that list, you can be happy in the knowledge youre not in rarefied company. She was born on Jan. 24, 1964, in eastern Pennsylvania and moved back and forth between there and Davidson County, North Carolina. And I have absolutely no sympathy. She got 12 months of probation for shoplifting at a Walmart in Lexington, North Carolina. The state police dropped him as a suspect. We can help by getting the word out, by bringing a lot more support to a case that is so insanely bizarre, said Geri Silva. "I'm not sorry we were caught. She will be in jail for the rest of her life and rightly so. I would bet MONEY that the first baby born to Patricia didnt die of SIDS. Presumably if they thought the evidence was against the states case, thats how theyd present as theres no obvious reason for them to be biased one way or the other. Weak wages. It all gave jurors a lot to think about but only for six hours. You murdered your girls," she said. This was a horrible and brutal double murder and whoever did it needs to be locked up forever. His nephew, Islam, the brother to Amina and Sarah and son to Yaser, pleaded guilty to the same charges in June 2021 and received 10 years. Its barely visible in the picture. In April 2019, 69-year-old Patricia was found guilty of second-degree murder and the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. Wouldnt that verify Troutmans claim that the husband was arguing with the victim, in a rage? All 3 of her alibis were lies, DNA tied her to the murder, there was no sexual assault, she had a violent past, was obsessed with Andy, and was caught lying about owning a gun, which coincidentally jammed after firing once and shell cases were found on her property. It's been a long three years for them.". Ill always say that Tommy Lynn Sells murdered the Routier boys OR the father Darrin did it. Deal refused. She only spoke on the phone with him a couple of times a year; when she called that last time, she didnt even know if Andys child was a boy or a girl, and the baby was almost 4 months old. Armed homeowners Mark and Patricia McCloskey stood in front of their house in June 2020, confronting protesters who were marching to St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson's Disagree with The police report misspells his name (Troutman) and doesnt include his address, suggesting authorities didnt want anyone to track him down, according to Patricias side. Plus a FB group that I was in included some people who grew up with her and they confirmed that she was indeed a horrible mean person who was easily enraged and always looking for a fight. Patricia Rorrer Forensic Files Now I hope she rots in hell. I fail to see exactly why someone cant have an opinion which he/she sees as fact. "There is nothing I or anyone can say to make what you've been put through any easier," Patricia Prue said. Prosecutors say a 911 call from the night of the murders proves that Said is guilty. On Aug. 31, 2011, at 11 a.m., Wrights family, the Action Committee for Women in Prison, and the FACTS community and supporters gathered in front of Gov. If in the woods in a rural area, no animal, rodent or insect touched those bodies? Marissa Suarez, in the matching brown hat and scarf, and Patricia Todisco, in the darker hat, are seen inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 (images via FBI court filing). Search it out and check for yourself. Or the ME and the entomologist that explained how impossible it would be for that baby and mother to be out there for four months, deceased at that, and still be as intact as they were, and the fact that the baby was double the size of a three month old child. They allege that the North Carolina resident stealthily drove 500 miles to Pennsylvania and killed out of a sense of deadly indignation. Ms. WebPatricia Lynne Rorrer made for a good suspect. One more thing acquire ALL the facts about this case If you can read. Let her rot like she left Joan and that INNOCENT baby Alex. Yaser Said Found Guilty in Murders of Teen Daughters NBC 5 Lieutenant Christopher Coble and Sergeant Suzanne Pearson would later testify that Patricia cried and apologized to 18-month-old Nicole, telling the baby, Im sorry for doing this to you and lamenting to the officers that she would never see little Nicole again. Patricia defaulted on her mortgage and then returned to North Carolina, where she eventually moved in with a boyfriend named Brian Ward. They portray heavily slanted and biased shows. Probably by the jeans and the boots. Then international law enforcement was contacted. There was a blood-stained fingernail and hair found on the victims body, and even though (in Keith Morrisons Dateline documentary) the Asst. Am I supposed to believe that she was still so enraged a week later, that she drove almost 10 hours, in a conspicuous van with a bad U-joint, to kill this woman and her baby? Three days later, Joann had plans to pick up her mother-in-law, Veronica Katrinak, to go Christmas shopping. The Egyptian-born taxicab driver was sought on capital murder charges since the New Years Day 2008 shootings of his two daughters, Sarah Yaser Said, 17, and Amina Yaser Said, 18, which have been described as honor killings.. The story of Patricia - The Vivid Faces of the Vanished | Facebook This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Sorry ladiesher hair was in the car and at the scene.she murdered them. Why would it be an irony for a person to express his opinion? He says he "feared for his life" and left the girls in the cab alive as he ran away. Contact Elizabeth Murray at 651-4835 or I come home one night, and shes just gone, and nobody knows where shes at, Bob Kopta, husband of Patricia Kopta, said at a press conference reported by Pittsburgh-based NBC affiliate WPXI. Amina Said's mother Patricia Owens Said was not charged with murder. It makes me sick. Black said she was glad Said took the witness stand, giving her the chance to poke holes in his story, exposing him to everyone who has been watching this case. ALL IT THEN BECOMES IS A SOURCE OF INACCURACIES AND SPECULATION, WHICH ONLY SERVES TO BOLSTER THOSE WITH THAT MENTALITY AND PERPETUATE THE LACK OF TRUTH. If you so dearly feel the need to occupy the high ground in debate or an argument, have the decency to quote accurately. I guess the investigators in Pennsylvania managed a quick resolve to a huge case that had a nations eyes scrutinizing their every move! It wasnt aimed at any one video producer. RR, Watch the Forensic Files episode on YouTube. You are correct the bodies were not there all that time, and it seems odd that they baby taken at 3 month, but when found he was 6 months according to Wrong Man. "I want to apologize personally for the fact that my husband wasn't a strong enough human being to admit his wrongs and be able to take his rightful punishment willingly," she said. But thats just some of the ammo on Team Patricias battleship. Before receiving her final sentence, Patricia Prue, 35, of Waterford addressed the court saying that her biggest regret was not seeking help for her mental health issues earlier. He said she did own a firearm, with its serial numbers filed off. Its an opinion learnt from a well-researched book, from documentaries which show and mention a great deal of facts and evidence which was never brought up at her trial. She didnt kill those two boys and TX knows, but they made too much noise about it, hence this is probably the real reason that Darlie hasnt been put to death 24-25 yrs later. Go somewhere else where your asserted expertise will be professionally tested and you wont be so frustrated and insulting about those who disagree (with your expertise and opinion). Stop trying to prove that everyone who is prosecuted is rightfully prosecuted. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, Stand with us in our mission to discover and uncover the story of North Texas, Jury convicts man who harbored fugitive brother accused of killing teen daughters in Irving in 2008, Irving man admits to harboring fugitive father accused of murdering teenage daughters, A day after powerful thunderstorms, North Texas surveys the damage, 3 children killed, 2 wounded at Ellis County home; suspect in custody, How a Texas districts reaction to school shooting fears highlights discipline concerns, Carrollton man advertised pills on social media to entice teens to buy fentanyl, feds say. Or did they? Interesting points thanks for writing in (and, yikes, those poor deer that starve to death). Said Guilty All this talk about hairs and other DNA just seems to keep deflecting away from the gun itself. A Texas man who carried out the mass shooting at the Cielo Vista Walmart in El Paso, Texas, on Aug. 3, 2019, killing 23 people and injuring 22 more, pleaded guilty today in U.S. District Court to a 90-count indictment, including 45 counts of violating the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Discuss and express opinion; stop short of asserting that those of the other view (that of judge and jury, at least) are ignorant of facts and wrong, and youre right, because by definition its reasonable for lay people to accept the jury verdict. He had worked as a semi-pro boxer in Las Vegas in his youth and later settled into his own construction business.