Answer (1 of 3): Let me tell you the most important thing about pageant platforms: caring. What have you done for fun in your free time? Create a concise announcement about your platform, your goals and what you would like to do with your platform in the future. Pageants destroy mental health - The Hawkeye But, for now, lets concentrate on the myriad of ways that contestants promote their platform. But, maybe there is an added motivation. Most of the candidates who participate in the organization also enjoy getting involved with the annual fund raisers associated with the CMN, such as Dairy Queens Miracle Treat Day campaign and Free Pancake Day at IHOP. around the country. International Royalty | Miss Voluptuous Pageants Meredith Student Uses Pageant Platform to Promote - Meredith College Select the top 10 things that you enjoy doing the most that you are also good at, and that do not require a huge investment of time or money on your part. Asian Miss Global beauty pageant winner on mental health, female Mental and Phyhsical Issues Caused by Beauty Pageants Just by taking a quick glance through your life and your own personal struggles, familial struggles, or the struggles of your neighborhood, you can find so much inspiration for creating the perfect pageant platform. Your platform is the vehicle for your strategic marketing plan as a contestant. pageant platform mental health - List at least 10 Scratch out everything that is controversial or comes from your parents/family's beliefs: ie. Because that is what it really boils down to. Add To Favorites California Pageant Queens Will Use Their Voice to Raise Awareness About Mental Health Los Angeles Sentinel - 4/20/2022 The reigning Miss Black CA USA Autumn Rae and Miss Black CAUSATalented Teen Nasreen El-Shabazz are coming together to use their pageant platform to bring awareness and resolution to depression, suicide, and mental health as they represent the state of . Choosing something that you are also accomplished at is key. It is 5 o clock in the morning! Just ask them what they think that you are really gifted at. I bet you can! Being able to translate your platform into an activity that you can inspire others to do helps to really get your message across and show that you are willing to work toward a positive outcome for your platform. Add to that, that frequently, pageants require their contestants to perform a talent during competition, and oftentimes, that talent score is a substantial amount of the total. Other child-related topics include fighting . With the goal of becoming a nursing professional, Tarnia is advocating for the platform "mental health". She won her crown on a platform of supporting youth care and education in her native Philippines. This is why most wellness programs start off with a personal health assessment and a biometric screening. It does not exist just to give you something to do with your free time on the weekends. This . That's why so many contestants have a pageant platform, or a cause that a contestant or titleholder dedicates their time to working on or giving back to. GMHC is a not-for-profit, volunteer-supported and community-based organization committed to leading the fight against AIDS on a national platform. We know that this is a very extensive project, but these people are your current network, and every single one of them can help you in some way. Filipinos are big beauty pageant fans. When we talk about promoting your platform, were not talking about renting a vehicle with a speaker on the top, and driving throughout your neighborhood yelling at people to give canned goods to their local food bank. But, please dont stress out over it. But, just because your Grandfather grumbles about his gout, or some mean girls harassed you during junior high or on social media, does not mean that those are ideal platform ideas for you. Can you find 5-6 items on that list that you can honestly say, someone would be willing to pay you to do for them? Boosted confidence. Selling something that you make like cookies, cakes, candy or specialty items like Christmas ornaments or other holiday decorations. Other times the pageant that you are competing in asks you to raise a certain amount of money on behalf of the pageants charity. You may not be a professional when it comes to taking photos or creating videos, so taking pageant head shots is probably not a possibility at this time. . Miss America has been associated with The Childrens Miracle Network, and every woman who becomes Miss America, accepts the responsibility of being their ambassador. Nia is quite a remarkable woman in many ways; she is incredibly stunning, intelligent and an eloquent speaker. But, she is most impressive when she is breaking boards and doing her thing, notably being a fifth degree black belt in taekwondo, which she began practicing when she was just 8 years old. Youre going to be spending a lot of time with your platform, years perhaps. For her senior thesis in undergrad, she conducted research on body image and clothing design. As mentioned before, having a platform is integral to making your year of service, whether as a contestant or as a titleholder, worth the effort. And, she does. Lily started a non-profit called, The Smize Foundation, which is a nonprofit corporation that connects high school students with local food banks to provide donations, volunteer opportunities and awareness of community outreach. Their mission is to empower individuals and families in the poorest communities to reach their fullest potential and enhanced sense of dignity through economic opportunities and the eradication of barriers including poverty, inequality, and violence. For example, you may want to help children who are growing up in poverty, like our current Miss Universe 2018, Catriona Gray does. Were also not talking about going door-to-door, hanging outside of supermarkets or patrolling the mall, with a clipboard in your hand and handing out flyers to total strangers. We do recommend that you work on those skills, though, especially learning to talk to strangers or to a group of people. Covering your bases like this will not only help you to seal the deal with your judges, but it will help to make an impact with others should you decide to post your speech online. Competing in pageants is more than just being a beautiful face, its about being a representative for your community and having a platform can help you achieve just that. 12. Childhood beauty pageant contestants: associations with adult - PubMed Its when you finally tell the judges what your platform is. Hard pageant questions range from current events, political, and environmental questions, to Miss and Teen interview questions. During the three nights that she was hospitalized she had 80 well-wishers visit her, 100 some international newspapers covering her collapse, and thousands of emails from around the globe. Depending on what your platform is and what your goals are with regard to it, you can communicate about it in other ways too. Take for example the current Miss America 2019 Nia Franklin, whose platform is called Advocating for the Arts. * Take notice: Be aware of the world around you and see the . You could even take it a step further and combine photography and doing hair and makeup! Choose a full-length gown with a full skirt to keep little princess looking sweet and youthful. Supper Club Where everyone pays a small fee and brings a dish and their recipe and you share a meal together. 10 Best Features of Wellness Platforms in 2022 - Employee Wellness Programs Its kind of like finding your perfect evening gown, but its too big or ill fitting. Sometimes beauty is born from ashes, and the most painful tragedies of our lives can become a catalyst for change that ultimately helps heal the pain of other people. What kind of work have you done, or what tasks do you most enjoy at your job? Lets explore your love of journalism, photography and making videos and see if we can find something related to those concepts to make money at. Appearance does not define beauty. As written in Psychology Today, issues with self-identity after a child retires from the pageant scene in her teens such as eating disorders, depression, and mental health issues are not uncommon, proving the effect of these contests on a girl's self-esteem and how their behavior towards physical appearance becomes borderline obsessive (Matina . Passion is contagious, and when you are passionate about a cause or charity, you can get other people fired up too. You can have t-shirts made, along with stickers, custom made pens, buttons, bumper stickers and wrist bands. Peer Mentors Program: Making Peace with Bullying. As a service member Miss Colorado hopes to shine light on mental health in the military. Have you had a traumatic experience as a result of someone treating you badly? Cleft repair surgery is simple, and the transformation is immediate. If you are new to pageantry and just getting your stilettos wet, then this suggestion is not as big of a deal because you are more in an exploration mode. And, she even received a personal thank you letter from the President of the United States! Weve decided to give you an overview of some success platforms from the past few years so you can see how the pros have implemented their platforms to have the biggest impact. Solve a Rubik's Cube or a jigsaw puzzle, read challenging books, or even learn a new language. David and Jackie Siegel lost their daughter Victoria to a drug interaction overdose when she was only 18. Join Jesse Ladoue McMullen, our Queen of Customer Success, and Cara Mund, Miss America 2018, as they tell you everything you need to know about finding and starting your platform. Kendra has also started a companion program that allows people to get in touch with their artsy side, while still helping others. This modern woman managed to combine her career and business acumen with her love of fashion and femininity in a way that showed she was bright and ambitious without losing any of her feminine appeal. So, in this case, there are a couple of ways that you could drill this platform down to a more personal level. In our modern society, these issues are so prevalent that most everyone can say that they know someone who has struggled with one of these issues at one time or another. Community activity night: bowling, ice skating, roller skating, paint ball, Community Bingo or other game that lots of people can play, Some kind of athletic event or tournament: An obstacle course, weight lifting, softball. A public competition where people MAKE something: cookies, cakes, pies, chili, A public competition where people DO something: play music, break dance, carve pumpkins, decorate gingerbread houses, tell jokes, Zumba, Self-Defense, Kick Boxing or other fitness or dance class, Online Auctions where people donate items and you sell them to the highest bidder, Public Auctions where people donate items and you sell them to the highest bidder, Fun Runs or Walks, including color runs, or some other kind of theme, Dance-a-thons (or any other kind of thon). She shows up. Or, check out organizations like The Salvation Army, Goodwill, Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, StandUp for Kids and local shelters in your area. Not having a pageant platform is like joining a sports team, becoming the captain, and benching yourself from all the games. You feel that this would be a good platform because you dont want other kids to experience what you did. Minnesota mother-daughter duo use pageant platform to advocate for Having family members who have faced these situations, or facing them yourself, gives you first hand knowledge of what it is like to have to live with these ailments or conditions. Having a pageant platform is also the perfect way to increase your marketability to the judges to ensure that you stand out amongst the dozens of contestants. Copyright 2023, Pageant Planet. Writing your pageant platform essay may seem daunting at first, but always keep in mind the fundamentals of writing an essay: the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. What would you call your platform if it were a book, for example? Knowing just how powerful this woman is, we have no doubt that she will do just that! She struggled with anxiety and suicidal ideation as a teenager, and attempted suicide in her early 20s, she said. You can give of yourself to others by volunteering at a local fundraiser or charity that is related to your platform and you can even help your personal or pageant sponsors out by assisting at an event of theirs. There are so many platform ideas in this category, that we cannot possibly cover them all! Or, you could clue into that intimate detail, which is the real thing that motivates you. It doesnt mean that the contestant has already taken her platform to a global level; it simply means that she can take it there with the assistance of the pageant system. You could still talk about dyslexia if you wanted to, and this type of a platform would give you so many volunteering and community service options. Self-acceptance is a vital pageant criterion, and this is many times what separates the winners from those who do not place. It is important to have a splash of personality and professionalism throughout the tone of your essay, as you want the judges to take you seriously, but you do not want your words to bore them as well. Are you good at public speaking, photography, baking, playing chess, doing research, dancing, teaching children, applying makeup, speaking another language, reading out loud, cleaning and organizing? I have struggled with Bipolar Disorder most of my. As years go by, new national pageants emerged, announcing new sets of Miss Philippines and sending them abroad to compete. Pageant contestant speaks out on mental health She collaborated with experts including Mark Grobbelaar, founder of the Woman INpowered course she had taken, and began hosting Unbreakable workshops in her home country to provide women with valuable and sometimes life-saving information. Many girls who have signed up for their first pageant have not embarked upon a platform and won. Pageants help women grow confidence, but they also create insecurities without proper mental-health care. Your body paragraphs are where you really delve into who you are as a person and why you chose your platform. Join Jesse Ladoue McMullen, our Queen of Customer Success, and Cara Mund, Miss America 2018, as they tell you everything you need to know about finding and starting your platform. Nia is the only Miss USA ever featured on the cover of the magazine, Tae Kwon Do Times, and was named a Goodwill Ambassador for the World Tae Kwon Do Federation. Sometimes she serves 120 people in a day and some days its 50. And at first glance, this year's winner - Sophia Ng - has all the hallmarks of a typical pageant queen. It was a brilliant marketing and public relations move, and the visual impact across social media was incredibly memorable. You could encourage and promote a movement that parents, childcare workers and guardians read to children every day. An example might be that you know that you want your platform to be centered on literacy. Many Miss America contestants' platforms involve children's issues I want to encourage them to be aware of their mental health and to realize there is no shame in going to talk to someone. When asked who her role models were growing into womanhood, she explains why she was able to avoid some of the pitfalls social media offers. The butterflies were then attached with a note of encouragement and placed in hospitals, cancer centers, nursing homes, etc. She has gotten involved in a variety of levels and capacities with charities such as the Open Book Project, Butterfly Hugs, Knit a Square, Relay for Life, Give Kids the World, and Ronald McDonald House. Bonnie Lundberg. 13 Best Mental Health Apps to Use After winning Miss Universe, Nel-Peters used her title to expand the Unbreakable platform internationally. She collected over 1,000 handmade butterflies that were created by people across the United States. Furious, Lightner decided to take action against what she later called the only socially accepted form of homicide. MADD was the result. We've created a list of 107 Pageant Platform Ideas (with a few organizations to partner with) just for you! From severe diseases like cancer and Aids to mental health related issues like depression or eating disorders, and even subjects like organ donation, if you have a sincere desire to serve those who are suffering, then this category may be a good match for you. All you would need is a large, open space that was relatively private where a girl could walk comfortably and safely. Listen to Steven and Jesse break it down for you in the podcast, "What is a Pageant Platform and How Do You Develop It?". This Trans Woman Activist Will Compete in Puerto Rico Pageant What we mean when we talk about drilling down your platform is that you may have a great platform concept, but you are feeling like its not quite right. It's no secret that pageant girls love to give back. Were not talking about starting a new career here. But, she found a very unique way to combine her passion for fashion with her personal drive in the business world, and empower women from her very individualized point of view. She earned a Masters degree in Music Composition; she is a classically trained opera singer and she endeavors to use her voice and the power of music to transform lives through art. These individuals may have a harder time coping with stress. There is nothing wrong with getting help. A lot of contestants think theyve got a great platform, and they have tons of ideas about volunteering or serving in some way in support of that platform. Kryst died of suicide Sunday in New York. Mrs. International 2017 Melissa Pocza at the "Broken Little Voices Child Advocacy Center. Photo Miss Global. Its important to prioritize self-care. Many pageant systems have dedicated their organization and the work of their titleholders to enriching the lives of people affected by various diseases. Their unimaginable loss inspired their complete devotion to shining a bright light on the dark issue of opioid abuse that has crippled our nation, and killed our children for some time. My role models are my Mom, my aunts and other family members. In fact, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to think of the big picture, and that includes your contacts and social network. Amazon Smile you can raise money for almost any charity there. One in four people in the U.S. will suffer from a mental health issues," Ker said. Caris tragic death compelled her mother, Candy Lightner, to found the organization, which would grow into one of the countrys most influential non-profit organizations. Ker's exposure to pageants began at the age of 10, through a mentorship program known as the Fleur de Lis . Mrs. International 2017 Melissa Pocza, advocated for abused children through her own program, Broken Little Voices, which raises awareness of child abuse issues through a free APP that provides support and resources for child abuse survivors. The current Miss Utah USA is breaking barriers as the first pageant winner to be open about having bipolar. You could also offer to make videos of pageant contestants practicing their walking and posing techniques. But, its nothing to get worked up about. Mental health. The Harmful Effects of Beauty Pageants on Mental Health - IvyMoose com Thank You Kycuyu. Writing a pageant platform may seem like a tremendous amount of work, but the next section covers exactly how you want to write your platform essay and what you can include to differentiate your essay from the next! She's 27, with beauty, brains and charisma. Home; My Story; Courses. Maura Spence-Carroll knows firsthand the barriers to care that exist for military members seeking mental . Over the years, beauty pageants have proven to be detrimental to the physical and mental health of their participants. You should also speak about what you will be doing with your platform in the future and how you hope your platform will impact those in the next generations. Now that she is a pageant titleholder, she . Other organizations, such as Miss USA or Queen Beauty USA, have their organizations be open-ended as to where a contestant can decide if shed like to pursue a larger cause or have her title be more career-oriented. However, it needs to be customized so that it looks like it was made for you as well. Facebook has set up a system where you can create a personal post on your Facebook account and you can check a box that will allow people to donate to a cause. When you take these ways of thinking into consideration, it becomes easier to create a platform that speaks to you! And, one of the coolest things that Nia did while she was Miss America, was to re-record that song and then sell it online through the MAO website. They may even see things that you didnt think of. I feel a very strong connection and desire to serve these counties. If your platform is a charity or non-profit, this is certainly going to be the case. Miss Washington World America 2019 Shree Saini. And, on top of all of those points, there are most likely going to be times when you want or need to raise money for your platform. Barrett Stinson. Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst. And, as a survivor of the disease, she is committed to trying to raise awareness of the debilitating nature of eating disorders, and to spread the message to young girls that "Self-confidence is the single most important thing in the key to happiness. Mental health - NHS Using this scale, the relationship between personality and beauty pageant participation can be examined in addition to the prevalence of eating disorders. While beauty pageants play a role in women's empowerment by giving them a platform to establish themselves and make them feel more powerful in society, they also have inevitable backlashes. Each person here has chosen to tell a story about an experience that has transformed them in some way. It makes me miss my dear aunt, Charlotte Sheffield, former Miss USA, Miss Utah USA and Days of '47 Queen. Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri, adored animals, so she encouraged the public to adopt a cat or a dog instead of purchasing a pet from a breeder. Once she arrives at the location, she then organizes all of the different service stations that people use once they show up. Read 107 Pageant Platform Examples (& How to Choose THE One)Read 6 Pageant Platform Money Raising Ideas That Are Guaranteed to Work!Subscribe to the Pageant Daily Living with bipolar can be tough, and managing it perfectly is simply not possible. Children are so deserving of our help and attention because they are often victims of situations and circumstances that they cannot control. What classes have you really enjoyed when you were in school? There are several locations on the East Coast and in various parts of the Southern U.S. In general, when you are trying to think of what you can do to make money for your platform, try to stay as true to yourself as possible. Norfolk girl uses pageant platform to help community's hungry Lilys title is CEO. Once you have the proper tone and diction down, your essay will write itself! Sandy Pentland, Click here to get started. This type of a platform would be extremely personal and motivating for you. The best essays are written when it feels like the contestant is actually speaking to the judge in a polite manner with her personality all on the table; just like in an interview. Some tips to improve your mental health. Pageant raises mental health, entrepreneurship issues By choosing adoption over buying from a breeder you can help save lives.