3. Jupiter is going retrograde on June 20, 2021, in Aquarius sign. Stationary retrograde Saturn from Capricorn sign is powerfully aspecting Bidens natal Mars in Libra sign by its 10th aspect. My response is that I had already answered this question in July 2021, almost 2 years ago, that Trump will be indicted any time before May 1, 2024. The passage of Uranus through Taurus, and the tectonic changes affecting national economies in 2021 and 2022 as Saturn and Uranus clash, will bring a huge reconstruction. Let us see how Trump and McCarthys challenging and difficult time just before the midterm election impacts GOPs momentum going into the midterm election. The astrology prediction has again come correct. NEW DELHI: Even as the Congress is making assertions on Opposition unity and leading the anti-BJP front in 2024, the debacle in three North-Eastern states raises questions on the road ahead for . Candidates win electoral votes because of nation-wide political sentiments existing at the time of elections (great examples are Reagan in 1984 and Clinton in 1996). I began by compiling state-level voting margins for all past presidential elections beginning in 1976. Mr Lichtman noted that both candidates managed to turn out significantly more voters than expected, and that ultimately, Mr Bidens turnout operation surprised many. Which party will win the 2024 U.S. presidential election? GOP lies work with poorly educated misinformed voters, but not with educated suburban voters. Kamala Harris. This will bring change in party leadership and a leader, who has a persona bigger than any other party leader, will rise to prominence. Since our elections are on a 4-year cycle, Venus is Evening Star in alternate elections because Venus returns to her same position every 8 years. Mars progressed conjoins both planets from 2024-2028 which also suggests explosive developments that lead to a dissolution of power. We are almost done. But in her Evening Star role, Venus bestows favor upon the incumbent party's rival as if she's wielding influence in the court of a king and 'the crown' is given to the opponent of the ruling king. In my President Biden Astrology article published on March 1, 2021, I had given astrology prediction that President Bidens poll numbers will decline in a big way after October 2021. Hes the great enabler, saying oh its not unusual to have all these challenges, but it is unusual, ProfLichtman said. I am getting same answer from his astrology chart also. Now Donald Trumps indictment is almost imminent after the Jan 6 Committees public hearings. Therefore I will no longer publish comments from or by "Anonymous." Early voter turnout is very high, 36 million Americans have already voted by November 4, Republicans should be worried. #tripura #tripuraelections2023 #bjp #cpm #congress #astrology #tripuraelection2023 #tripuraelectionexitpoll Full Video Link https://youtu.be/rVj6eXIS6ZQWa. Russia Next, I take each states political trending into consideration. Biden and House Democrats head to Baltimore to plot 2024 - nbcnews.com Since this mid-term election is happening right in the middle of two eclipses, so it makes it very difficult for me to make a bold and accurate astrology prediction this time, because eclipses bring surprises. So here is an excerpt (with a few small edits for clarity) from a previous post written in light of the 2016 Election but with portents that may (or may not) affect the results of Election 2024: Now as Morning Star, election day Venus favors the incumbent candidate or ruling party (even if 2 terms--8 years-- have been served by the incumbent president) - aka, the "one who wears the crown" as it was termed in the olden days of Mundane Astrology. Whether Democrats will win or lose in the mid-term election, largely depends upon how President Biden will handle this challenging time between now and April 2022. IE 11 is not supported. Donald Trump's time is little bit positive from now until October 17 this year. I just said the chances of Democrats winning the White House in 2024 will be high, because the US economy will be doing well in 2024, just before the Presidential Election, then why American people would want change in the leadership. This year President Bidens approval rating is going to remain high until October 2021. Thanks again for all your support. Based upon these trends, I believe that the swing states of the 2024 election will be, in increasing order of how Democratic I think they will vote, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. United States astrology chart indicate challenging time for the country between October 24 and November 15. Be courteous -- No ads -- including for astrological, Tarot, or psychic readings and consultations. Due to the flexible nature of the four adjustments in my model, my model is equally useful as a simulator to predict the 2024 presidential election if either Democrats or Republicans win a certain percentage of the popular vote. Please remember March, April, May, June, July 2023 are very sensitive and challenging months for the country and our economy as well. Because of Donald Trump Republicans lost the Georgia Senate races in 2020, and Mitch McConnell is Senate Minority Leader. 4. Adjusting for the popular vote is not good enough. I immediately thought this is the final stop before we will see the Donald Trump indictment. Additionally, the Democrats have won the popular vote seven out of the last eight elections, and I do think this will change. It is the beginning of a new 800-year cycle in the Air element, and it marks the end of a 200-year cycle in the Earth element. What does astrology say about Trump becoming the president in 2024 The partial solar eclipse on October 25, will give us clue which political party will be the winner in this 2022 Mid-Term election. There will be decline in poll numbers during this period for President Biden. My astrology prediction given 2 years ago was that Trump Indictments will come before May 1, 2024, most likely in the time window from March 4, 2023, to July 15, 2023, and Donald Trump will be on the Indictments list. Answer (1 of 4): I don't believe in any predictions about Narendra Modi winning/not winning 2024 general election !! U.S. WEEKLY Date: 14 February 2022 Early Predictions Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election Although the US presidential election is still more than two years away, opinion polling centers are already competing in providing polls that report on the popularity of potential candidates for the 47th president of the United States. Why did I make this change? Donald Trump loss and Joe Biden victory in 2020 Presidential Election, 8 months before the election date (prediction given on internet on April 1, 2020). Senior Congress leader Sonia Gandhi speaks during the 85th Plenary Session of the Indian National Congress. My data suggests that Wisconsin and Florida are trending Republican too strongly for the Democrats to stand a change at winning these states in 2024, unless the nation as a whole has a dramatic shift left. Sun is placed in the 10th House in exchange with Jupiter. Take cars for example. Heat as a byproduct of light will be eliminated, just as diodes replace filaments in light bulbs. You can see the wrangling over abortion in the American horoscope from September 2 nd 2024 until November 19 th 2024 - though Republican anti-abortion states will begin to push back, from May 26 th 2024 until June 9 th 2025. US economy will be looking very good. Read my lips neither President Biden nor Republicans can fix the inflation and higher gas prices, but recession in 2023 will. For example, the Rust Belt tends to vote in tandem, and my model does not currently adjust for the impact of voting regions. Astrology Made Simple. The initial 'consensus' map is based on the ratings from The Cook Political Report and Sabato's Crystal Ball. Biden's approval rating now stands at 42%. According to Taurus Horoscope 2024, the family life of Taurus people will be good this year. But the astrology prediction for Trump indictment is right on target. More specifically, my model predicts that if the popular vote margin is less than 3.38 (for the Democrats), the Republicans win Michigan and they win the entire election. This isn't inflation anymore; it is 100% corporate greed. Mike Pence has been subpoenaed by Jack Smith, the Special Counsel, investigating Donald Trump last week for his grand jury testimony. I found President Zelensky of Ukraines birth time details also with A rating on internet. Horoscope of Congress Party and its prospects in general elections 2019. Although Im still waiting to see if I get a nice note from Joe Biden.. The DOJ extended the Grand Jury until March 2023. They are not going to happen, because every car will be a lot more intelligent that its driver. Astrology prediction given on March 1, 2021 came correct. In my opinion Donald Trump will be in the first batch of indictments, and many low hanging fruits will be in second batch of indictments. It is said that Donald Trump is planning to run in 2024. We will see which party has momentum going for them during the challenging time between October 24 and November 8, that party will be the winner in the midterm election. I have studied Kevin McCarthy's astrology chart. On the other hand, Republicans did extremely well in elections for US Congress and actually gained seats when all the pollsters said they would lose seats, and they did very well in state legislative elections.. However, simply using voting margins does not make for a good prediction model, so I made a series of adjustments, as outlined below. She has a great horoscope for governance with a full moon constellating harmoniously with Saturn in Aquarius, so competence, cooperation and leadership come naturally to her. "Congress's moon sign is Virgo, and at present, a favourable Jupiter Mahadasha (period) is happening for them. Ron DeSantis is the new GOP leader with his impressive victory in Florida. Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. There are also unique circumstances which must be taken into consideration. 976d; . This was true from 1840 to 1960 (when Kennedy was elected), but Reagan survived an assassination attempt in 1980, and George W Bush was fine. Early voting data looks very good for Democrats. Adjustment 4. If you think I am doing a good job and my astrology predictions are enlightening then please feel free to pay an optional fee by clicking the "Buy Now" button, with your comments. I think whats happened with Donald Trump since the election represents the worst moment in US presidential history, Mr Lichtman said, comparing it with how previous incumbents have reacted. American people are realizing corporate profits have skyrocketed and still they are raising prices. But if there is no solution in May/June/July 2022, then this war will continue for long time. The Astro-compatibility software that brings happiness in relationships. "True" answers favour the re-election of the incumbent, while "false" answers favour the challenger. McCarthy had a disappointing election day night. ProfLichtman, who details his strategy for predicting the White House winner in his book, Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House, said although it is very early, it would strongly be to the Democratic party's advantage if Mr Biden ran for re-election in 2024. Its never happened before; no losing candidate has ever initiated widespread challenges to an election like this, particularlywhen these challenges have absolutely no basis in fact. There will be at least 20 to 30 people who will be indicted besides Donald Trump. Electric or hydrogen powered, there will be no exhaust. Now this situation is going to change to some extent during the presidency of Rahul Gandhi. The Economy In my opinion 300+ million Americans will get vaccinated either by April 2022, or by end of 2022, and Coronavirus will be contained. Please read my October 20 and October 2, 2022, astrology updates to understand why GOP did not see red wave this time. Young voters usually tend to have a low voter turnout. The CHIPS Act, PACT Act and Inflation Reduction Act are passed. Because the election was on the day of the eclipse, we cannot see things clearly and we cannot know Gods plan for our country, but to wait patiently for the results to come. The BJP will be under the influence of Sun's Mahadasha from 18th April, 2012. I will not trust any one poll from any pollster, unless I see similar results from many pollsters. What we are learning is GOP cannot win elections with Donald Trump and they cannot win elections without Donald Trump, because if GOP dumps Trump, then the MAGA crowd will stay at home on election day. Most recent polls suggest that Democrats are favored to win the Senate, while Republicans are slightly favored to win the House. Indictments are coming. Although Mr Biden has not indicated whether or not he plans to run for re-election, there is ample speculation that he might not. Current House 118 th Congress. This may even put a dent in its status as the main opposition . Finally, while I manually adjust for past unique considerations (see Assumption 2), I cannot adjust for future unique circumstances with unknown future candidates. Trump will again go through very bad time between October 20 and November 16, this year. Series of six rare Uranus-Pluto trines from 2025-2028. They all point to Donald Trump Indictment. In the 2016 and 2020 elections, polls famously underestimated Republicans. In just a few years time, no company will be able to even sell a diesel or petrol car. Physical wars will slowly become redundant, but cyber wars will not. If GOP wins the House, then Kevin McCarthy will be the House Majority Leader in January 2023, and that will be good news for Donald Trump. But even next year from March 2023 to May 1, 2024, is very bad for Trump. The inflation and gas prices are high in US, because large corporations are trying to make up for the loss in profits due to a minimum 15% corporate tax that is included in the 'Inflation Reduction Act'. During December 2021, January, February, March 2022 opposition / enemies will be strong. He may lose his grip as changes sweep through the population. But this time young women and young voters are registering in large numbers because of Roe vs Wade, that could throw off pollsters estimates. Drivers? Its a non-partisan system.. But Pence will lose in the court very quickly, because Donald Trumps time is so bad in the coming months according to his astrology chart that indictment is imminent. So, in my opinion Democrats will do better than the polls in this midterm election, could give them the surprise victory. Born on June 19, 1970, in Delhi, Rahul's zodiac sign is Gemini. Look what happened this week. In this period it is highly likely that the technological dominance of China will be established. (When Obama was president, transit Pluto conjoined USAs Venus, then Jupiter, then the Sun.) I had indicated in my October 2 and October 20, 2022, astrology updates that Kevin McCarthy will be going through difficult time from October 24 to November 8 and that is why the House midterm election results are delayed. Could Kamala Harris Steal the 2024 Election for Biden Or Herself? Either way Trump will be indicted before May 1, 2024, this was my astrology prediction given in July 2021, more than a year ago. What is interesting is that her progressed Mercury is retrograde and it conjoins the Sun three years into Bidens presidency. Inflation reduction act also imposes a 15% minimum corporate tax on large corporations who pay little to no federal income tax. Natives are advised to Talk to astrologers. So, this mid-term election is anybody's ballgame, more in favor of Democrats at this moment despite high inflation and President Bidens low approval ratings. Otherwise, your on-topic comments are always welcomed in this Political Astrology arena, and are fully moderated when I have the time. So many people are asking me this question When Donald Trump will be indicted?. My astrology prediction on war between Russia and Ukraine came correct. I hope you enjoyed my astrology predictions for former President. Biden wants them to pay their fair share of taxes, and they are doing their best to make Democrats lose the midterm election by raising prices of gas, grocery items etc. If Democrats are cautious between Oct 25 and the mid-term election day, will not make any mistakes / gaffes, they have a very good chance of winning the Mid-Term election. "I predicted a Biden win in the beginning of August of this year based upon my prediction system that has been right ever since I predicted Ronald Reagan's election in April of 1982," he said. Either she takes over here, or she is appointed to be the Democratic candidate in 2024. However, it begins its uninterrupted twelve-year sojourn through Aries (considered the official start of the "Neptune in Aries era") on January 26, 2026. On election night outside the White House, a very partisan crowd of demonstrators clearly expected Mr Biden to be declared the winner in a clear landslide, but they would have to wait for hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots to be counted across the country. Remember Democrats overperformed polls, in the House special elections in end of August this year, after Roe vs Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court. GOP has not shown their plan to control inflation to the American people so far. The time between now and April 2022, will be the most difficult and challenging period in President Bidens Presidential Term. The daily planner that tells you what happens before it happens. Five years back in 2018, the Congress had failed to win any seat in Tripura and Nagaland. On one level this seems rather magnificent for Chinas Belt and Road initiative, which is a massive plan to extend Chinese influence throughout the world. In a poll released this Sunday, 54 percent of Americans disapprove of President Bidens job performance, and 71 percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. This will be the immediate challenge for USA after Trump, and the UK and EU after Brexit. The next election which will as usual be corrupt will be on March 17th 2024, when Saturn is at 11 Pisces and the Sun conjoins Neptune at 27 Pisces, so it is going to be a foggy affair. You will see a paradigm shift in his personality and he will take Congress party to greater heights. Joe Biden Presidential Astrology Predictions : G Singh - Vedicnakshatras The poll numbers before October 25 have no meaning, because the momentum can quickly shift from one political party to the other political party between October 25 and the mid-term election day, if they make any mistakes / gaffes or some scandals take place. The Country will go through challenging and difficult time between October 25 to November 15. Go beyond sunsigns and see the personal effect of all the planets in your life. 'Our strongest candidate': House Democrats are sticking with Biden in 2024 In 2020 Democrats won the popular vote by a 4.4 point margin; I estimate the popular vote in 2024 will be Democrats winning by a 5.0 point margin because Biden is the incumbent and he has not (yet) had any major scandals. Simultaneously Pluto, which has entered Aquarius, conjoins Russias Saturn at 5 Aquarius, suggesting the destruction of social structures. The stars don't want anything to do with Trump. Of course they could, but the last time the House changed hands in a presidential election year was 1952 . Russian Flag up. Biden / Harris will face decline in poll numbers. You will see April, May, June, July, Aug 2023 are really very bad months for Donald Trump, and a challenging time for the country. I had mentioned in my December 17, 2022 astrology update that when we see Mike Pences Grand Jury testimony, we will know Indictments are coming. I had boldly predicted in my July 3, 2021, astrology update in. The US economy will be doing very well after April 2024 for 4 years. I repeatedly reaffirmed this prediction, including when the votes began to come in and it looked like Donald Trump might be re-elected, but I understood that no election was final until all the votes were counted, and in most states the mail-in ballots, which were overwhelmingly Democratic, would be counted last.". As Evening Star, her position is the mid-to-later degrees of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of the stranger, foreigner, or outsider - someone different or 'other' who acts as the challenger and rival to the throne - such as a non-politician, or an Independent (neither Republican nor Democrat). Tamil Nadu assembly by-poll: Congress's Elangovan set to win big 2025 House 119 th Congress. The midterm election is happening on the day of the eclipse, so there could be some problem or delay in results. They always fade away. My condolences to the families of thirteen marines who were killed in Kabul attack. Both elections occurred with Venus as Morning Star (in Libra) yet upsets somehow occurred due in part to both candidates' tendencies to hastily give favors to others and/or make advantageous backroom deals (Iran hostages boosted Reagan; for Hoover, his tide of popularity had turned due to economics after 1929.). Coal, oil, factory farming and the mass production of meat, money, ambition and greed. 20th October 1964 21.28 Oakland, California AS: 24 GE. There were three vacancies. A few years ago, it seemed impossible to know what this would mean, and how such a transition could take place. 2024 will be the best year in President Biden's first Presidential Term. There will be coordination and solidarity among each other. by Adrian Duncan | Dec 18, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments. First, I adjust for the popular vote. Joe Manchins stubbornness could cost Democrats 2022 mid-term election. You are viewing: The Aries 2024 horoscope predictions indicate that the first half of the year will be amazing, and full of fortune, love, and growth for the natives. In my opinion, Republicans made mistake by overturning Roe vs Wade before mid-term election. Some GOP candidates who completely went against Trump are still winning the primaries, while others are losing the primaries despite receiving Trump endorsements.'. It is likely that popular unrest will unseat him at this time. The conjunction squares the 1991 Russian horoscopes Sun, so it is likely that leadership is completely undermined at this time. Will Modi be PM again in 2024? Astrology Prediction There is nothing much President Biden or Republicans can do to control high inflation. With the buildup of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, conditions were good for his autocratic and extreme governing style. would not survive until the end of their terms. When we see Mike Pence's testimony than we will know the indictment is coming. Now the Age of Air begins. As Chinas progressed Ascendant and MC move into Gemini and Aquarius respectively, harmonizing with the Moon and Sun, it is difficult to imagine that the country will do anything other than prosper. Kevin McCarthy is in trouble now, because he could not give Red Wave to GOP party in the mid-term election. If that is the case, ProfLichtman says it will be a tougher journey for Democrats. Powered by renewable energy, decentralized, with every household delivering and receiving power from every other household. This midterm election is on the day of the eclipse. Create Harmony in Love. I think that the democratic nominee will perform better than Hillary did in 2016, when she won popular vote by a 2.1 margin, but worse than Biden did in 2020, when he won the popular vote by a 4.4 margin. The Republican Party currently controls the U.S. House, where 218 seats are needed for a majority (when there are no vacancies). There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. Republican party has no magic wand to fix inflation and higher gas prices. Some of the polls released in the past two weeks are Republican-commissioned and designed to (falsely) show a GOP landslide, and they are included in the average of polls, to shift the numbers towards GOP. McCarthy will be in some challenging time just before the midterm election, between Oct 24 and Nov 8, according to his astrology chart. The moment has finally come, Donald Trump will be indicted any time after March 4, 2023. I decided not to include shifts pre-1996 in the model or rather I assign pre-1996 shifts a value of 0.0 because the political landscape was dramatically different after Reagan and Bush. Then in my subsequent astrology updates I had mentioned the time window between March and September 2023. Either name yourself or keep your comments to yourself. 2022 could be one of the best years for Congress in a decade but only if Each area where there has been pollution will undergo a transformation which will radically reduce or eliminate pollution. Question mark on Opposition unity as Congress puts up dismal show in N Another example is 2016 spoiler candidate McMullin who received 21.5% of the the vote in his home state of Utah. As more expert forecasts become available, they will be added to create a true consensus. Too many shooting incidents are happening across the country. The 'goddess' does, after all, reign atop the US Capitol Building and one of her archetypal manifestations as "Columbia" is well known as namesake of the District. He will be 82 at the next election. This is what I had predicted in my President Biden's Astrology article for the year 2023. Others risked much more as essential workers and had to expose themselves to the corona virus daily. Now Mike Pence has decided to fight this subpoena in court, may delay the matter by few weeks. Know yourself, know your partner, and create the romantic spark. They could have done it after mid-term election. The reason we did not see red wave is because Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump the two GOP leaders were going through difficult time and challenging time from October 24 to November 8, the election day. This could mean a Black president. According to the Election Commission of India website, Congress's EVKS Elangovan received 67.48% of the votes until 2pm Congress's EVKS Elangovan appeared set to win the assembly by-poll to . Many people have asked me if this guy will ever be indicted, the answer is yes, Trump cannot escape indictment. First of all the magnitude of the turnout. The readers should remember we do not have AA rating birth time from President Bidens birth certificate. Republican party and Joe Manchin are giving tough time to President Bident during this time. If you think I am doing a good job and my astrology predictions are enlightening then please feel free to pay an optional fee by clicking the above "Buy Now" button, with your comments. The flag-up horoscope for Russia has a Uranus-Neptune conjunction at 15 and 17 degrees Capricorn respectively. But this mid-term election is very different from the previous mid-term elections. Oops, there was an error sending your message. This was the reason why I hesitated to make a bold astrology prediction for the midterm election, because the election was on the day of the eclipse. 25th December 1991, 20.45 Moscow AS 25 Leo. Tripura election 2023 result live updates: BJP pegged to win 3-cornered American astrologer predicted, Modi will win with so many seats in 2024 election! These errors are not without costs they can lead to massive misallocation of resources, both financial resources and human capital which in turn can generate avoidable election results on both sides of the aisle. There could be a war like situation during this time, stock market may not do so well in November, December 2021. More embarrassing information will come out for the Republican party in these public hearings that they will find it difficult to explain. In itself this was quite a good clue to the Democrats winning the election. The country will be out of woods by second quarter of year 2024. Traffic jams or accidents? I had also indicated there will be a war like situation between December 2021 and April 2022, which is evident from the growing tensions with Russia over Ukraine during this time. When I refer to a states value I mean this adjusted voting margin. President Biden will face decline in poll numbers, and opposition / enemies will be strong in the month of December 2021. In 2021 Neptune will make repeated squares to Trumps Sun and Moon, which will almost certainly bring him into discredit and reveal that the real swamp that needed draining was the Trump empire. As a result of the 2022 elections, Republicans gained a 222-213 majority in the chamber.