Photo: Emily Woodhouse. 3 Baths. Group size is limited so pre-booking is essential. Pre-war photos give a sense of how spectacular this site used to be. It is worth a brief detour to turn right here to visit to lovely standing stone known the Three Boys with its parish boundary marks of the Gidleigh Parish (GP) and the Duchy of Cornwall (DC) lands. Dartmoor is home to an impressive number of stone circles and rows. WHAT TO WEAR/BRING: Sturdy hiking boots with gaiters if you have them (there are two wet/boggy areas to walk through); plenty of warm layers including hat and gloves; waterproof jacket and trousers (whatever the forecast); drinks/hot flask, snacks, picnic lunch; and head torch.Dogs - By arrangement only please. SOUTH-WEST DARTMOOR: Yellowmead circles and Cuckoo Rock Find out where the piskies like to play, as well as a stunning stone circle. The hills to our right include the distinctive Hound Tor and to our left the closest hill is Meldon Hill above Chagford. Teign Gorge Walk 7. These settlers were responsible for the remarkable construction of the widespread and systematic field boundaries known as reaves. Marked with a Blue P on the OS map, this is on B3357 opposite Cox Tor and between Moorshop and Merrivale. These early farmers are thought to have used wooden shelters and no evidence remains of their settlements. 6.20 km. View more recently sold homes. The article can be read on line here: The date and context of a stone row: Cut Hill, Dartmoor, south-west England 1014 Dartmoor Pl. This stone circle is one of Dartmoor's finest: only thirty four stones remain of an original sixty five to seventy, and only twenty five of those are still standing. The circle consists of 23 granite slabs up to 2.5m high with a further 11 recumbent stones. Use the menu above or the walks bar on the right to navigate around the site. Dartmoor National Park is the area within the Datrmoor National Park boundary. 17For a discussion of Down Tor and Merrivale and their solar alignments at the solstices, see Walker Dartmoor Sun and Brian Byng's Dartmoor's Mysterious Megaliths. Eogan, George & Simmons, J.G. Opportunity to find Pixies House or Piskies House Cave. 13For more on the Cut Hill stone row see Join us for a stunning walk to Langstone Moor stone circle. Welcome to Dartmoor walks Get to know Dartmoor's towns and villages and learn about the landscape and rich history of the surrounding areas with this series of introductory walking routes.. SITES OF INTEREST: Mardon Down Stone Circle & Cairns PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Exeter to Moretonhampstead via Dunsford (Country Bus 359) runs Monday to Saturday. In A Guide to the Stone Circles of Britain, Ireland and Brittany Aubrey Burl (1995) there are 368 stone circles listed in the British Isles with 21 listed for Dartmoor, 13 of which would be considered cairn circles. Flint tools found recently in Norfolk show that there were humans there around 900,000 years ago1. The stone circle measures 24.8 metres in diameter and is denoted by five upright granite slabs standing up to 0.76 metres high. Curiously the stones of Fernworthy appear to be graded by height with the taller stones in the south of the circle. Lethbridge pp.139-145, diagram p.139.Nearby sites: SX65838620, OS Map: SX 63017 82814NMR record: HER record: 110432Megalithic Portal: 35327PMD: Sittaford TorShort Name: SC SittafordDimensions (m): 34.0Notes: Discovered by Alan Endacott in 2007 as described in Devon Archaeological Society Newsletter No. The Dartmoor stone circles are around 20-40 metres in diameter and typically consist of small stones enclosing a flat interior located on very gently inclined slopes. Fox, A Excavations at KestorT.D.A Vol. This would suggest Dartmoor was first exploited by humans in the Lower Palaeolithic although the evidence is weak. The site is in a small clearing in Fernworthy Forrest off the path to Teignhead Farm. 63-4 (also picture of restored Langstone circle as frontispiece) Once you have visited the Tree Boys stone you carry on up to Kestor Rock where on the summit you will find an example of one of the finest Rock Basins (or Pans) on Dartmoor. At this time there was a rapid period of deforestation and grasses and bracken appear in the pollen records indicating a period of deforestation at the tree line. During the drought of August 2022 the stones were exposed again for the first time for years. 1. No. Sale, Richard Dartmoor the Official National Park Guide (Pevensey Press, 2000) If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Once over the bridge you enter an oak wood where many of the trees have ferns growing out of their boughs. The Buttern Hill and Tottiford circles are in valleys where as the Mardon circle is on the summit of a large hill. With the notable exception of the Scorhill stone circle most of the stone circles were in a poor state of disrepair with most of the stones fallen and worse still the monuments had been robbed as a source of stone for newtake walls and gateposts and some Dartmoor monuments were still prone to being robbed by road builders.13 The Langstone Moor circle was one of the first to be restored for this reason (see Extract from Second Report of the Dartmoor Exploration Committee). Rising like lonesome watchtowers, these distinctive landmarks are the goal of popular walks. The original restored circle consisted of 16 stones in a 20.9m circle. Newman, Phil The Field Archaeology of Dartmoor (English Heritage, 2011) Butler (1997) states that there are "thirteen fairly certain stone circles on the Moor"6 and includes a table listing 14 (this of course being prior to the discovery of the Tottiford circle). Click here for more information on cookies and our Privacy Notice. The walls of this structure are huge, up to 4 metres in width and 2 metres in height, with an entrance made using large slabs. LEVEL: Strenuous - this walk requires a good level of fitness and is approximately 9 miles/14.5 km on open and hilly moorland terrain. In spite of reckless drivers and narrow hedgerows, I had made it to Chagford and breathed a sigh of relief to see the open country before me. The Sourton Tors circle consists of 32 stones all but 6 of which remain were they have fallen. Some cairn circles are found terminating stone rows, good examples being those found at Down Tor and the 2 mile long double stone row on the Erme plain. If you cancel after the six weeks, we would advise you please try to resell/pass on your ticket and/or we can try to re-sell your ticket (we sometimes have a waitlist although there is no guarantee) we can then offer a credit note for the ticket price (minus the 1 booking fee and minus a 5 admin fee). We will stop and spend time at each stone circle (as well as the Whitehorse Hill burial chamber of the Bronze Age Tin Priestess/Princess) for anywhere between 10-20 minutes each depending on our pace. The County Gazetteer for Devon (p.344-5) includes 40 stone rings on Dartmoor most of which are cairn circles. The well defined path continues over the hill with views to the right of Cosdon Beacon, the wall drops away to the left but we carry on up the hill over the down. Wistman's Wood Walk 2. 2018-04-04 15:30:28. Dartmoor sits upon a granite plateau, and occasionally bare granite "peaks" (called tors) break through the heather. Continue down the hill to Gidleigh Cross junction where there is a welcome seat by the grassy triangle at SX672 883. By continuing to use the site, you agree to cookies being used. 16Baring-Gould, Fourth Report of the Dartmoor Exploration Committee, T.D.A. At a point opposite the end of the plantation is found the Tolmen Stone. However, it is thought that this stone row is atypical and the bulk of Dartmoor monuments date from the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age. Worth, although not confirmed since, there was "a small cairn between five and six yards in from the southern edge" and also there is a companion circle a short distance on the slope westward, 60 feet in diameter consisting of four stones with a possible large central pillar, see T.D.A. The singular feature of this outer circle is that the three stones are of a fine elvan, entirely different from the nature of the stones in the inner circle, with the exception of one, which also is of elvan.". This 5.5 mile circular walk takes you from the village of Belstone, past intriguing Irish Man's Wall, over the hill and across a ford to Taw Plain. Dartmoor Walks & Experiences Dartmoor's Daughter - Walks & Nature Connection Experiences on Dartmoor, Devon We use cookies to help us improve, promote, and protect our services. Gerrard suggests Brisworthy stone circle could possibly be a ring cairn as a "low rubble bank, some 2.5m (8ft 2in) wide surrounds 75 per cent of the circumference"9 although Butler suggests this is probably a later feature.10, There is a possibility according to the investigations of the Dartmoor Exploration Committee that the Merrivale and Langstone Moor stone circles originally consisted of two concentric circles. Basic route: (Blue route: 10-mile route) Into the valley of the River Taw following the river upstream to Hangingstone Hill and return along the Oke Tor to Belstone Tor ridge. 323 pp55-70. The Grey Wethers, Brisworthy and White Moor (Little Hound Tor) circles were all restored and are impressive although they have smaller stones than Scorhill. In size it compares with the circles of the Grey Wethers and Scorhill". These areas would rapidly become infertile and would be abandoned to re-grow. 6Butler (1997) p.154 Before the restoration only 4 stones remained standing, a limited excavation found evidence of charcoal. 37 pp. For a photo, see Megalithic Portal: Shovel Down NW stone circle. All that remains is to continue into Belstone village and return to the car . The stone circles of the British Isles are thought to have an indigenous origin and date from around 2500 - 1300 B.C1. They arose in the context of the rise of farming in the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age and most are thought to have been constructed during the second millennium B.C. 8see also NMR SX 68 NE 63 The walks featured are all based on the use of public transport, see Guide to Public Transport. At this point a small detour to our right, along the path will take us to Scorhill stone circle at SX654 873. It's believed that there may have been around 40 stones here once, but now only 16 remain. Join us for a virtual walk through Dartmoor stone circles. Summer like heat to freezing snow. Find popular and cheap hotels near Fernworthy Stone Circle in Dartmoor Forest with real guest reviews and ratings. Newman (2011) refers to 12 circles with "some other doubtful examples" (presumably Shovel Down being considered a doubtful circle). The Grey Wethers is the only example of a pair of stone circles on Dartmoor with two circles of approximately the same size separated by about 6m with centres forming an almost exact north-south axis, the stones all being over 1m in height. And sharing lessens our impact on the environment. Barn Hill/Pork Hill car park. The moorland landscape we see today is a direct consequence of this period. 12See for example; Worth, Petit, Gerrard, Butler, Newman A number of the ceremonial centres include stone circles, stone rows and cist burials which suggests the stone circles are roughly contemporaneous with the culture that practised cist burials, although many of the cist burials could have been later. Walk out of Belstone village on the western side, go through the gate and out on to the moor, then make your way towards Belstone Tor. Length: Choice of a 5-mile walks or a 10-mile walk Start point: Car park at Belstone Village Car Park SX621 938. I haven't FEE: 35 per adult including a coffee and pastry for breakfast to encourage an early start! The distribution of flints found from this period excludes areas of deep peat but this probably is a simple reflection of the fact that modern ploughing tends to bring them to the surface7. I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted with such an abundance of natural beauty as I experienced filming War Horse on Dartmoor.Steven Spielberg. I'm not kidding when I say I experienced all the seasons during the hike to these stones. It is located 1km from the Grey Wethers and remarkably extends the arc pattern bringing the total to 8 stone circles in the apparent arc (see diagram above and Map of Dartmoor Stone Circles - Sittaford circle marked in blue). The Dartmoor Way is a new 108-mile hiking route that circumnavigates Dartmoor, just within the edges of the national park. Apparently "wether" is an old English name for sheep and legend has it that a drunken farmer leaving the Warren House Inn was persuaded that the Grey Wethers were a desirable flock for sale! The archaeologists define stone circles as being sites which do not contain burials and as such are thought to be purely ritual monuments. This figure is often quoted by authors but it should be pointed out that Burl (1976) is including stone rings or cairn circles. Burnard, Robert, The Disappearing Stone Monuments of Dartmoor T.D.A. The current condition of many of the Dartmoor stone circles owes much to the work of the Dartmoor Exploration Committee (D.E.C.) . Later Neolithic farmers were more proficient in agriculture and started deliberately clearing large areas of forest for agricultural use. Worth, R.H. Worth's Dartmoor (David & Charles, 1971), For a more comprehensive listing of books on Dartmoor including links to versions available online see Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks Resource: Books, First humans arrived in Britain 250,000 years earlier than thought, Guardian: Humans ventured as far as Torquay more than 40,000 years ago, Nature: The earliest evidence for anatomically modern humans in northwestern Europe, Telegraph: Ancient stones older than Stonehenge discovered on Dartmoor, BBC: Stone row sheds new light on Dartmoor prehistoric life, Dartmoor tomb treasure horde uncovered by archaeologists, Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks Resource: Books, Ringmoor, Brisworthy Circle and Legis Pound. Also there is useful coverage on the Legendary Dartmoor website, see: The Legendary Cut Hill of Dartmoor In large part this is due to the fact that excavation is an inherently destructive process and in modern times there have to be very good reasons to proceed with excavations. It is interesting to note that 7 (now 8, see below) of these stone circles form an arc, or crescent, with each site separated by around 2 kilometres, they are; Grey Wethers (2 circles), Fernworthy, Shovel Down, Scorhill, Buttern Hill and Little Hound Tor (White Moor). Nearer is the narrow fir plantation leading down into the valley of the North Teign River, the trees leading right down to the location of the Tolmen Stone which is on our route shortly. 24Eogan, George & Simmons, J.G. Jones, Marchand, Sheridan, Straker, Quinnell Excavations at the Whitehorse Hill cist, Dartmoor PAST - the newsletter of the Prehistoric Society, Number 70 p.14-16 (April 2012) The mild hospitable climate of the Bronze Age deteriorated after a few thousand years leaving these areas uninhabited and consequently relatively undisturbed to the present day. The evidence of human activity on Dartmoor during the Mesolithic is from flint scatters around the moors, including finds on Runnage and Ringhill near Postbridge5, Langstone Moor, East Week, Batworthy and Gidleigh Common6. Dartmoor has a particularly rich abundance of settlements, monuments and ritual sites dating from prehistoric times. 20Newman (2011) p.25, Gerrard (1997) p.24 The walks featured are all based on the use of public transport, see Guide to Public Transport. +44 (0) 7817 329584info@dartmoorsdaughter.comSign up to our newsletter here, Navigation Skills for Beginners (or Refresher), Kings of the Solar System - Jupiter & Saturn. The site is a fairly accurate circle of circumference 20.2m. Worth (1953) lists 11 circles but this was prior to the discovery of the Sourton Tors circle in 1966 and does not include Mardon (perhaps not considered on the moor) or Shovel Down although he does refer to it as a "stone circle?" Vol. There are many great guides to walking on Dartmoor, many include descriptions of these sites, but it is difficult to find guides specifically for those wanting to visit these sites. Vol. The first Homo Sapiens arrived on the scene around 30,000 to 50,000 years ago and soon became the sole Homo species. Around 1700BC there was a major influx of settlers into Dartmoor. So, taking an archaeological as well as phenomenological approach, we will journey together (sometimes in silence and sometimes sharing our experiences) through this wild and beautiful landscape asking questions of the ancestors, stones, and land along the way. In the 1970s a new dimension was added, with the recognition that the long-ignored reaves (ruined walls) are also prehistoric; Dartmoor now posed all sorts of questions about the . The route goes up Sheeps Tor, and Down Tor, and then snakes it's way back through some wooded areas along Devonport Leat. Many of the monumental sites on Dartmoor were partially or totally reconstructed by the Dartmoor Preservation Committee in the early twentieth century. Prehistoric Dartmoor (David & Charles, 1974) It gave way after the last ice age, around 12 thousand years ago, to a gradual move towards farming - the Mesolithic or middle stone age period. Hiking to its summit offers unforgettable views and a rewarding king-of-the-mountain feeling. 4 pp.491-5515 (1871) or Report on the Prehistoric Antiquities of Dartmoor, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Vol. Pettit, Paul Prehistoric Dartmoor (David & Charles, 1974) There are two find examples of the slotted five bar gateposts at this farm. The exact purpose of these prehistoric monuments is unknown. Chambered tombs (or their remains) such as those at Corringdon Ball, Cuckoo Ball and Spinsters Rock (near Drewsteignton) are from this period12. Save. . Today the circle is fairly dilapidated. SOLD FEB 16, 2023. Set in the idyllic hills of Dartmoor National Park just north of Newton Abbot, Canonteign Forest is home to some challenging hikes and stunning natural scenery. 2256 Meadow Oak Cir is a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. The stone circles and many, if not most, of the stone rows would have been constructed long before this period of settlement. Bate, C Spence, On the Prehistoric Antiquities of Dartmoor, T.D.A. Fine examples include the Erme or Stall Moor Circle, The Pulpit (Trowlesworthy Warren E.), the Down Tor Circle (Hingston Hill) and the Ringmoor Down cairn circle and the Hartor cairn circle. There are a number of monuments on Dartmoor that are often referred to by authors as stone circles but are not strictly categorised as stone circles. Around 1 million years ago Britain was connected to the continent and the first humans arrived in Britain. Some of the stone circles seen on the moor are believed to have been for purely ceremonial purposes. Whilst stone circles are not unique to the British Isles the examples in the rest of Europe are typically later and smaller and usually surround burial mounds, the exception being stone circles in Brittany which are similar to those found in the south-west peninsular of England and probably have the same cultural roots2. The Neolithic period (c. 4500 - 2300 BC)15 is defined as when crop cultivation and farming start to become a central feature of life and culture. 3Burl (1976) (p.8, 11) states that there are over 900 stone circles. 1 min walk (0.1 mi) POINCIANA CIRCULATOR. Parking is limited on Dartmoor. As soon as you enter the trees the path takes you up and slightly to the right past a large moss covered rock. 25The most convincing evidence for an astronomical alignment at a Dartmoor stone row is at Down Tor (Hingstone Hill). The pollen records show that after the last ice age Dartmoor initially became a heath land and was becoming woodland at around 10,000 years ago (i.e. The best known of many prehistoric settlements on Dartmoor, Grimspound dates from the late Bronze Age (about 1450-700 BC). There are around seventy six known stone rows and fourteen stone circles on Dartmoor and there are numerous menhirs or standing stones. Tap/mouse over a coloured circle (1-3 easy walks, 4-6 moderate walks, 7-9 hard walks) and click to select. White, Paul Ancient Dartmoor - An Introduction (Bossiney Books, 2000) And sharing lessens our impact on the environment. Britain would have been uninhabited again during a further cold period known as the Loch Lomond Stadial which ended around 10,000 years ago4. The day-to-day life and culture of prehistoric peoples would have remained lttle changed from the late Neolithic through to the early Bronze Age. Belstone Circular Walk. Continue to the top of the hill, with views to your left of Kestor Rock and the trees where you parked your car a couple of hours ago. In the case of Shovel Down the excavation of the nearby Roundy Pound showed evidence of iron working and the extensive reave and field system in the area between Shovel Down and Kestor would suggest the area was occupied during the late Bronze Age and through to the Iron Age.21, Whilst specific dating evidence of Dartmoor Stone Circles is lacking there is evidence from other archaeological excavations which might throw some light on the context of the stone circles. Gutter Tor 4. (Blue route) Into the valley of the North Teign River to Gidleigh then to Scorhill Down and the Tolmen Stone and back to Batworthy Corner. After going through the wall turn down to the right instead of carrying on to the large Teignhead Clapper Bridge but go down the slope to the small clapper foot bridge over the steam. The slight differences between the two circles could even be a result of the restoration. Over Great Staple Tor. The path takes you down hill into the woods and continues downhill left at another signpost to the North Teign River, which you cross by way of a wooden footbridge SX671 875. Carry on down the other side of the hill along the wide grassy path until you reach a small bridge over a leat. These are thought to mostly date from the Bronze Age although it is thought that some could be late Neolithic or built on earlier Neolithic sites. Both circles have 30 stones. Wray Valley Trail 15Burnard (1894) pp. Gerrard (1997) states there are 18 circles which is 4 more than Butler although he includes the 4-fold cairn circles at Yellowmead and Shoveldown and two other smaller circles which presumably would now be considered to be cairn circles. Burl8 (1976) and Turner (1990) both list around 30-40 circles but these listings include sites which are now considered to be cairn circles (see Turner Stone Circles). It would seem that most of the circles are located on unenclosed open land near the boundaries of settlements. Butler, Jeremy Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities five volumes (Devon Books, 1994) Worth, R.H. Worth's Dartmoor (David & Charles, 1971), Wessex Archaeology Time Team Report: Tottiford Reservoir, Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of Results. Butler, J. Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities: Vol. This year's two-day walk is an almost entirely new route, this time going from north to south and covering some of the most interesting and atmospheric parts of the moor. 25, The location of the stone circles varies greatly. Karin Murray-Bergquist. The site would have been impressive in its day and is one of the only ones sited on the top of high ground and has a fine view of the surrounding area. And sharing lessens our impact on the environment. RISK: Walks and activities are at your own risk. We have found that circular walks are the most well-loved, so here we have a large number for you to choose from! "Nine of the original stones are still standing, plus one larger stone which is incorporated in the remains of the old wall which bisects the western extremity of the circle. Parking is limited on Dartmoor. It is 32m in diameter consisting of recumbent stones of a similiar size to those used in the Grey Wethers. 30 pp.97-115 (1898) IV (1894), (2010, Kessinger Publishing reprint) 16See: Dartmoor tomb treasure horde uncovered by archaeologists WHAT TO WEAR/BRING: Sturdy walking boots; warm layers; sunscreen; waterproof jacket and trousers (whatever the forecast); walking poles if you have them;drink/flask and snack or picnic lunch. from the northeast side and 0.3m high, is angled towards the circle and may be quite unassociated". Published April 4, 2022. 1Stringer 2006, see also First humans arrived in Britain 250,000 years earlier than thought and The first Britons 27-86 (1990) The circle is 26.8m (88 feet) across. Fernworthy Stone Circle Loop from Throwleigh. There has been considerable interest, not only in Devon, in the announcement this year of a recently discovered stone circle high on Dartmoor. 18See, Emmett, D.D., Stone rows: the traditional view reconsidered, D.A.S.P. In contrast to medieval boundaries, which tend to be higgledy-piggledy patchworks, reaves follow the contours, sometimes for miles, which must have involved a high degree of sophistication and technical skill in surveying and central planning. These prehistoric stone circles form an approximate arc. . - The Second Millennium B.C. Breton, Henry Hugh, Beautiful Dartmoor And Its Interesting Antiquities, (1990) 5Butler (1997) p.146 At the next signpost you turn left up into the trees, signposted Mariners Way. Walk through an ancient and ritual landscape on Dartmoor. Stone Circle Walk Dartmoor's Daughter - Walks & Nature Connection Experiences on Dartmoor, Devon We use cookies to help us improve, promote, and protect our services. Pub Stop: Converted into a tavern in 1832 and named in honour of a local logan stone, The Rugglestone Inn is the perfect journey's end for a weary wayfarer. April 23, 2022 OVERVIEW: A looped walk starting at Burrator Reservoir. 1,652 Sq. Approximately 14 miles/23 km through hilly moorland terrain. 18Breton (1990) Part 1, pp.51-2 After the Church continue along the lane to a T junction where you turn left signposted to Scorhill and Creaber. Brisworthy was excavated and underwent major reconstruction carried out by Breton and the Barrow Committee in 1909. This will lead you up to the impressive double stone rows on the hillside. Pettit, Paul. The Mesolithic is the period between the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic or "new" Stone Age. In terms of funerary practise it should be pointed out that cists often have cremation remains and they are widely distributed, often very distant from stone circles, although they could reflect later cultural practise. According to R.N. 1014 Dartmoor Pl is a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. It is clear that many settlements were built long after nearby stone rows, for example the enclosures known as Erme Pound Rings were built with total disregard for the Hook Lake double stone row which is partially incorporated into one of the enclosure walls19. Arc formed by eight stone circles (Sittaford in blue) See also: Map of Dartmoor Stone Circles. At the time only 4 stones remained standing whilst another 21 were lying roughly in place. Dewerstone to Ivybridge on the Dartmoor Way. What3Words - If a child with Whooping Cough passed through the stone a cure would also be found. This gateway affords panoramic views across the valley to Kestor Rock. Burnard, Robert Dartmoor Pictorial Records (Devon Books, 1986) Stringer, Chris Homo Britannicus - The Incredible Story of Human Life in Britain (Penguin, 2006) Typically cairn circles on Dartmoor are much smaller in size with very few having diameters greater than 20 metres. Dartmoor sits upon a granite plateau, and occasionally bare granite "peaks" (called tors) break through the heather. The sites featured are archaeological treasures and most are protected by the law, please treat these sites with respect! For a photo of this site, see: Megalithic Portal: Buttern E - Stone CircleNearby sites: SX64958848, OS Map: SX 65516 72084NMR record: SX 67 SE 64HER record: 6400Megalithic Portal: 863PMD: Down Ridge Stone CircleShort Name: SC DownRidgeTurner: G9DPD: 92Dimensions (m): 25.0Notes: Also known as Hexworthy Circle.