Lead all souls to Heaven, and help especially those who are most in need of Your Mercy. Amen. And you, Jesus, open Your Heart and place in it my own, and, together with Mary's, offer it to our Divine Father! Amen. Pray for me, sinful and unworthy servant (handmaid), that you may present me worthy of the kindness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ, and of all the Saints. Download File Here. Amen. In the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I renounce and cut off Witchcraft, the principal spirit behind Freemasonry, and I renounce and cut off Baphomet, the Spirit of Antichrist and the spirits of Death, and Deception. Prayer Against Retaliation - Marian Prayer Book Who are eligible to take prayer of Psalm 109 for vindication and vengeance? +O Lord, rebuke the Devil! I beg Thee, in Thy Mercy, to reclaim those which I may have ceded control over to the demons. +Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison, 6 September 2018. Most of all, may you infuse into our hearts the gift of faith, always trusting in you. At times, severing the demons connection to the wall will help to begin the process o the wall coming down on the side of the person with the wall. I renounce his deceits, his seductions, and all his works. At your earliest opportunity go to Mass and offer your life, family and property to God. God the Father, I forgive them for any of the effects of their sin that they may have committed against my family line and for any damage it may have caused. These psychic abilities I renounce and surrender totally to you. In a special way, I reject the spiritually polluting actions of blasphemies, false promises and oaths, usury, the unjust delay of payments, injustices, favoritisms, sances, and all the occult practices. Sorrowing for this, but determined to repent, I stand guilty before You, my God. I believe in a Threeness with confession of a Oneness, in the Creator of [the universe.] Making the Sign of the Cross, say:+Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered; and let those who hate Him flee before His Presence. I acknowledge one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. In the name of Jesus, be at peace. Amen. All. An act of Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary can also be made. and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, Prayers for Breaking Curses of the Occult, We ask God Almighty, through the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, to break any and all evil curses, pacts, spells, seals, hexes, vexes, triggers, trances, vows, demonic blessings, or any other demonic bondages sent againstN.or us, or any of our loved ones or any of our possessions; May God bind them all and break them in the Name of the Father and of the Son+and of the Holy Spirit. I renounce the pride of proven character and good standing required prior to joining Freemasonry, and the resulting self-righteousness of being good enough to stand before God without the need of a savior. I reclaim that ground and my life for Christ. Amen. I take to myself the whole armor of God in accordance with Ephesians Chapter Six, and rejoice in its protection as Jesus surrounds me and fills me with His Holy Spirit. Holy Angels and Archangels defend us, keep us. (3x). I have had so many saints tell me how they have been attacked, how their church is attacked, and the many adverse things they are going through with health, family, finances, etc., and I always ask if they bound backlash with every intercession session -the answer is always: no. Do not discount that your intercession is important and damaging to the enemys camp, no matter how brief. O You who are compassionate, be my constant companion. But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice. It is You who descended into Hades and opened its tombs and set free those held prisoner in it, calling them to Yourself; before You the gatekeepers of Hades shuddered when they saw You and, hiding themselves, vanished in the anguish of Hades. Holy angels and archangels, defend us, protect us. Amen. Have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us. Prayer for Breaking Curses of the Occult, Prayer Against Sorcery, Prayer to Remove Generational Spirits, Deliverance Prayers for People or Places, Prayer to Break the Freemasonic Curse, Breaking Bonds from Previous Illicit Sexual Partners, An Act of Forgiveness. I ask our Blessed Mother and all the Saints of Heaven to intercede with me as I beseech You: hear the humble prayers of N. and, in accordance with your most holy will, grant N. the Healing and Peace only You can bring. Gabriele Amorth, Prayers to Break the Freemasonic Curse - Short Form, Deliverance Prayer Session for People or Places, Consecration to Mary for the Closing of the "Occult Third Eye", Prayer to Mary for Liberation (St. Pius X), Remedy Against the Spirit of Darkness and the Forces of Hate and Fear, Prayer for Breaking the Wall Built Up Around the Heart, Prayer for Protection Against Curses, Harm, and Accidents, Consecration of Ones Exterior Goods to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Little Psalter of the Most Holy Face of Jesus, In the Holy Name of Jesus, through the authority of the natural law and my baptism, through the merits of the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Jesus and His sending of the Holy Spirit, I decommission this tattoo and break and sever each and every connection between this tattoo and the Evil One and his associates. And drive him from this servant(handmaid)of GodN., from his(her)mind, from his(her)soul, from his(her)heart, from his(her)reins, from his(her)senses, from all his(her)members, that he(she)might become whole and sound and free, knowing You, O God, his(her)own Master and Creator of all things, You who gather together those who have gone astray and who gives them the seal of salvation through the rebirth and restoration of divine Baptism, so that he (she) may be counted worthy of Your immaculate, heavenly and awesome Mysteries and be united to Your true fold, dwelling in a place of pasture and nourished on the waters of repose, guided pastorally and safely by the staff of the+Cross unto the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting. +O Lord, rebuke the Devil! Satan hates it whenever you pray the slightest prayer, never wanting you to communicate with God since he wants to be god himself. I stay in the strong tower which is the name of the Lord. I renounce the Sign of Reverence to the Generative Principle. Prayer Against Retaliation (pg. I renounce the insecurity, the love of position and power, the love of money, avarice or greed, and the pride which would have led my ancestors into Masonry. +In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. In the name of the Father, the Son, Remedy Against the Spirt of Darkness and the Forces of Hate and Fear. DELIVERANCE PRAYERS FOR THE LAITY | St. Michael Center Give me the light, the grace, and the power of the Holy Spirit! *** I renounce the oaths taken and the curses and penalties involved in the Grand Pontiff Degree, its secret password EMMANUEL, and its penalties; *** of the Grand Master of Symbolic Lodges Degree, its secret passwords JEKSON and STOLKIN, and the penalties; *** of the Noachite of Prussian Knight Degree, its secret password PELEG, and its penalties; *** of the Knight of the Royal Axe Degree, its secret password NOAH-BEZALEEL-SODONIAS, and its penalties; *** of the Chief of the Tabernacle Degree, its secret password URIEL-JEHOVAH, and its penalty that I agree the earth should open up and engulf me up to my neck so I perish; *** of the Prince of the Tabernacle Degree, and its penalty that I should be stoned to death and my body left above ground to rot; *** of the Knight of the Brazen Serpent Degree, its secret password MOSES-JOHANNES, and its penalty that I have my heart eaten by venomous serpents; *** of the Prince of Mercy Degree, its secret password GOMEL, JEHOVAH-JACHIN, and its penalty of condemnation and spite by the entire universe; *** of the Knight Commander of the Temple Degree, its secret password SOLOMON, and its penalty of receiving the severest wrath of Almighty God inflicted upon me; *** of the Knight Commander of the Sun, or Prince Adept Degree, its secret password STIBIUM, and its penalties of having my tongue thrust through with a red-hot iron, of my eyes being plucked out, of my senses of smelling and hearing being removed, of having my hands cut off and in that condition to be left for voracious animals to devour me, or executed by lightning from heaven; *** of the Grand Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew Degree, its secret password NEKAMAH-FURLAC, and its penalties; *** of the Council of Kadosh Grand Pontiff Degree, its secret password EMMANUEL, and its penalties; I renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in the Thirtieth Degree of Masonry, the Grand Knight Kadosh and Knight of the Black and White Eagle. Let them be+banished from this the creation of Your hands in Your own holy name and that of Your only begotten Son and of Your life-creating Spirit, so that, after being cleansed from all demonic influence, he(she)may live holy, godly, justly and righteously and may be counted worthy to receive the Holy Mysteries of Your only-begotten Son and our God with Whom Your are+blessed and glorified together with the all holy and good and life-creating Spirit now and ever and unto the ages of ages. (Person and/or places)]by Your might from every influence of the accursed spirits, from their every evil snare and deception, and to keep us from all harm; through Christ Our Lord. (3x, if opportune at the foot of the bed.) Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. God of Heaven and earth, God of the Angels and Archangels, God of the Patriarchs and Prophets, God of the Apostles and martyrs, God of confessors and virgins, God Who have power to bestow life after death and rest after toil; for there is no other God than You, nor can there be another true God beside You, the Creator of all things visible and invisible, Whose Kingdom is without end; we humbly entreat Your glorious Majesty to deliver us[and . Thank You, Father, for hearing my (our) prayer. O Heavenly King, Consoler, Spirit of Truth, present in all places and filling all things, the Treasury of Blessings, and the Giver of Life, come and dwell in us, cleanse us of all stain and save our souls, O good one. If you were once a member of a Masonic organization or are a descendant of someone who was, it is recommended that you pray these prayers. Gabriel Amorth The Devil is Afraid of Me. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, St. Nicholas, and St. Dominic. May you be released from any dysfunctional attachments, be healed in your heart, and set free in the name of Jesus. Prayer Against Retaliation April 26, 2022 Lord Jesus Christ, in your love and mercy, pours Thy Precious Blood over N. So that no demon or disembodied spirit may retaliate against him (her). I bind all demonic interactions, interplay and communications between spirits sent against me, and send them directly to Jesus Christ for Him to deal with as He wills. To Him and to his eternal Father and to His all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, we send up glory, honor and adoration, now and always and forever and ever. Let them possess the gates of those who hate them. , rendering him/her/us immune from any kind of demonic influence. O Jesus, Good Shepherd of Your sheep, deliver me not to the revolt of the serpent and leave me not to the will of Satan, for the seed of corruption is in me. As I go into this level of warfare, I receive a cover of the blood of Jesus. Last Name. And Lord Jesus, please send your holy angels to minister to us and our families and to guard and protect us from all sickness, harm, and accidents and guard us on a safe trip home, and grant us a peaceful nights rest. Bless the object with Holy Water, saying: In the name of the+Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. PROTECTION PRAYER AGAINST RETALIATION FROM THE ENEMY - YouTube Lord, deliver us. Shoot out your arrows of vengeance and draw out your spears for battle. I bindN.today to God's Virtue to pilot him/her, God's might to uphold him/her, God's wisdom to guide him/her, God's eye to look before him/her, God's ear to hear him/her, God's Word to speak to him/her, God's hand to guard him/'her, God's way to lie before him/her, God's shield to protect him/her, God's host to secure him/her, Against snares of demons, Against seductions of vices, Against lusts of nature, Against everyone who wishes ill to him/her, Afar and anear, Alone and in a multitude. Lord Jesus, may Your most Precious Blood be upon me. For severing the ties, bonds and attachments of deeply rooted spirits in the heart (including traumas, deep hurts and wounds), mind or any physical ailment. But it's in there. We plead the blood of Jesus over these materials and take back any ground the Evil One may have snatched from me (us) because of the presence of these materials in my (our) home. Grant special protection, we pray, for children, fathers, families and the dying. Christ in every ear that hears him/her! Lord Jesus Christ, in thy love and mercy establish a perimeter of protection around N. and myself and all our loved ones, those who pray for us and their loved ones. Forgive my past sins by Your mercy, and absolve me from all I have confessed in Your Presence, for You are good and the Lover of Mankind. In the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I renounce HIRAM ABIFF, the false savior of Freemasons revealed in this degree. Fill the hole burying the remains of the object. I (We) praise Your Holy Name and worship You and Love You. (Dan 9:17), My soul is athirst for God, the living God; *, when shall I come and appear before the Face of God? Let the righteous be delivered and let them increase greatly. Preserve us against the dark slumber of sin and against any impure satisfaction that roams around the darkness of night; quiet the assaults of our passions, arrest the darts that the Evil One insidiously throws at us. I do this in the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. I renounce and rebuke Satan and every spiritual power of his affecting me and my family. Binding Backlash: How and Why - Strategic Prayer Command Ministry Amen. He came to give me life abundantly and eternally, and I believe His promises. Amen. All you saints of heaven, impede any retaliating spirit from influencing us. Fr. Amen. So I've started saying the "Prayer Against Retaliation" in Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity every morning. I beg you to deliver me from every evil presence and every evil influence. As I now interiorly relinquish what belongs to me exteriorly into thy hands, I entrust to thee the protection of those exterior goods against the evil one, so that, knowing that they now belong to thee, he cannot touch them. Still the commotions of our flesh, and calm all earthly and worldly feelings within us. I renounce forever Satan, the enemy of our joy. For Breaking the Wall Built up Around the Heart: In order to break a wall that has a demonic cause, sometimes all that is necessary is to bind the wall that surrounds the heart in the Blood of Jesus, and/or break it three times in these or similar words: I bind this wall that is around N.s heart in the Blood of Jesus and I break it in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. I now pray for healing of (throat, vocal cords, nasal passages, sinus, bronchial tubes etc.) You are the salvation of those who turn to You. Keep my thoughts in Your humility and rouse me in good time to glorify You, for You are supremely glorified, with Your Eternal Father+and Your most Holy Spirit forever. I renounce the ancient pagan teaching from Babylon & Egypt and the symbolism of the First Tracing Board. If sin was committed (in using the object), then confess that in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Yes, Lord our God, have compassion on Your image, and save Your servants from every threat coming from the spell, and protect us by raising us above all evil. Enlighten my mind with the light of understanding of Your holy Gospel. May the Blood of Jesus wash over you and cleanse you of these and all evil spirits and all evil bonds and attachments. Fr Gabriel Amorth -The Devil is Afraid of Me, I ask Jesus to bind in the Most Precious Blood any and all evil curses, pacts, spells, seals, hexes, vexes, triggers, trances, vows, demonic blessings, voodoo, or any other demonic bondages sent againstN.ormyself, or any of our loved ones or any of our possessions; I ask Him to bind them all and break them in the Name of the Father and of the Son+and of the Holy Spirit. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Prayer of Saint Makarios the Great to the Eternal Father. Make him shudder, tremble, be afraid, depart, be utterly destroyed, be banished! Use exorcised oil if possible, ), I consecrate myself to our Lord Jesus Christ through the Immaculate hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was not the light, but came to testify to the light. I renounce every position held in the lodge by any of my ancestors or myself, including "Master," "Worshipful Master," or any other. In that knowledge, this prayer has a parent invoking that authority and casting out demons and evil from them. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, St. Nicholas, and St. Dominic,NN. I ever entrust myself to your wishes, O Mary; preserve me from sin and defend me from the Evil One. You, Lord, who raised Lazarus the four-days dead from the dead, undecayed, as if not having died, and unblemished to the astonishment of many. (3x), With the sword of our Lords Cross: Vade Satana (Be gone Satan). (Sprinkle the room with holy water for blessing.). (Patron Saint/s)my Guardian Angel and all the Saints, and Angels in Heaven, and powerful in the holy authority of His name, I cancel all ground that evil spirits have gained in my life and in the lives of my family through my willful involvement in sin (or, have gained by my ownership of ______[name object]). At the hour of my death, be with me to embrace my poor soul and to keep away the dreadful sight of the wicked devils. Let them be blessed and fruitful. St. Michael, surround him (her) (me) with thy shield, so that no evil spirit may take revenge on him (her) (me). Backlash Prevention Prayer Instructions - Audrey Dickey Ministries It is You, Christ our God Who arose from the dead and granted Your Resurrection to all men. Making a plunging movement with the cross towards the heart, the top of the head or the general area of the physical ailment, trace a cross in the area of contact, using any or all of these or other suitable words. In place of the Hail Marys (on the small beads):Jesus, have mercy on me! Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, I ask Thee to render all spirits impotent, paralyzed and ineffective in attempting to take revenge against any one of us, our families, friends, communities, those who pray for us and their family members or anyone associated with us. Holy One, look upon us and heal our infirmities for Your Names sake. For those who have persecuted me (us), I (we) now pray: O My Sweet Jesus, forgive us our sins and save us from the fires of Hell. You are under demonic curses and covenant 3. Teach me always to see Your love as my guide in every event of my life. So that ever faithful to you, your servant may be counted among the blessed in the kingdom, where you live and reign with the+Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. In the presence of all the heavenly court, I choose thee, O Mary, this day for my Mother and Mistress. I take to myself the whole armor of God in accordance with Ephesians, chapter six, and rejoice in its protection as Jesus surrounds me and fills me with His Holy Spirit. Anyone who has hurt me (us), I (we) now forgive. (3x), Exi de homine (Come out of the man.) We praise You now and forever. O divine Mother, send Thy holy angels to defend me and drive far away from me the cruel enemy.
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