Who made itm anyway, Fleer? As so many people mentioned, bring back the good old days. God how I miss that smell and flavor, I swear, if I close my eyes I'm chewing on it now! CHUM GUM WAS THE BEST GUM IN THE WORLD TO ME,I WAS BORN IN CHICAGO AROUND 47TH STREET,I USE TO SNEAK INTO THE REGAL HIDE UNDER THE CURTAIN AND WATCH THE GREATS PERFORM,WHEN THE SHOW WAS OVER I WOULD GO TO THE CORNER STORE AND GET MY CHUM GUM,BOX OF FRIUT COCKTAILS AND MINT JULIPS,I NEVER KNEW PEOPLE HAD BAD BREATH WHEN THEY WERE CHEWING CHUM GUM,SO SOMEONE PLEASE BRING IT BACK, THE ORIGINAL FLAVOR NO SHORT CUTS PLEASE.THE KIDS TODAY MISSED OUT ON THE GOOD STUFF. "Wrigleys" might have come close. I recently purchased some hair products and I kid you not it smelled just like Chum gum. There has never been or will ever be a better tasting gum. One of my grandaughters has taken on the nickname of chiclet. It is such a relief to know that there are others out there that know about this gum, because when I bring it up to people they don't know what I am talking about, it is great to know you guys are out there and fans of chum gum. I would betcha that no other beer in Europe or anywhere on planet tasted like that stuff. I bought a pack of 5 sticks once a week and chewed one on each school day. It brings back memories for me! Wish someone would bring it back. But it was wonderful bubblegum, and so much for the penny! I would love to be able to let my children and grandchild taste this gum. Maybe one day! Never could find any. I am 50 years old and grew up in Dothan, Alabama (extreme southeast. I used to buy Chum Gum at Mill Creek Country Store in Mill Creek, Georgia, near Dalton- in the mid 70s. I have thought of Chum gum several times and just now decided to google is.. Chum Gum!I've been searching forever.. So if we could find a few pop bottles we had us good in candy for several days. im 57 and i well remember the taste and texture of the world's greatest gum. I would encourage everyone to email the company to try and bring this gum back. During this time, Fleer was near the end of producing Chum Gum due to lower demand. Altoids more than most. Thor was my favorite. You only gave Gatorade Gum 4 years before discontinuing it. Most of them you can find in oldtimecandy.com which is referenced on this page. But this isn't true. I can almost conjure up the taste if I try really hard. The stick would break up in pieces with a couple of bites and took some time to combine into one piece. My mother packed chocolates, like Lucile Ball, in the factory in Kendall Square Cambridge Mass. In fact, I realized that I have had chicken bones candy; and while it does include coconut, there is also a peanut butter inclusion. Hot summer days buying baseball cards but throwing away their gum because it wasn't as good as Chum Gum. I grew up in Council Bluffs, Iowa in the 1950's. I was beginning to think I dreamed it all up. I'm sooo happy to see that others remember Chum Gum, There was a small corner store in North Buffalo called "Heevey's" and they carried the best penny candy around!! I used to buy it in Burbank, Illinois, where I grew up. The BEST penny candy counter ever. It's the only treat that really stands out in my memories of childhood, except maybe Sugar Daddy's. I grew up in Chicago in the 1950's and chum gum was and still is the BEST tasting gum I've ever tried. Unfortunately, despite all these memories and many other people with reminiscent feelings just like these, Chum Gum is no longer on the market. I also have looked for Chum gum for years. Wish they'd bring it back. Pam: The original maker of Chum Gum was Fleer. Every time we went I got him a case of something and mailed it to him. I am know 47 and haven't seen Chum Gum in at least 30 years. Mighty Gum Immunity $16.00 Mighty Gum's chewing candy contains a ton of natural, germ-fighting extracts, like ashwagandha, elderberry, and reishi mushroom. I loved Chum Gum :-). Hi, I am looking for Chiclets. Use to buy it at Bailey's Confectionery on Bunker Hill Road in Ashtabula, Ohio. I also remember Chum Gum. I wish I could find it somewhere! In addition to that, we also love the Brachs cinnamon tree nougats for the same reason. As a German might say, that was really gte BIER!!! Where did those days go. They have never heard of it. I loved it as a kid. how to make bubble gum http://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/30/Make-Your-Own-Bubble-Gum74922.shtml. Geez Louise, how I LOVED Chum Gum. It was made by Fleer. This particular confectionary was in north St. Louis near the Walnut Park neighborhood, just west of Interstate-70. Two sticks for a penny. These mints were more that a breath mint, they were an institution. Always left with a bag of Chum gum for the cents . I used to find it and steal him WONDERFUL Chum Gum!!! Do you know if they still make them, and if so, how I could get some? ___ But anyway, from our semi-permanent tactical missile site we Glorified Grunts would often have to drive a lil ole Jeep or a Deucen-a-Half truck the 60 ks to headquarters for some part or circuit board for repairs. And whatever happened to Welches Fudge bars? But I'd rather chew Chum Gum. Wow! No one did, until I found you here. The Best Ever. Your email address will not be published. The Sunday Milwaukee (WI) Journal had a supplemental ad section for Treasure Island, a discount chain store operating as a lower-budget retailer under the JC Penney umbrella. They were classic chewing gum and are missed! I am looking for those childhood Raspberry Dollars !!! we will never get or have those in again or something to that effect. Bet I could have a large market for it. Please help I love them. Somebody mentioned going to the gas station to get the guy to open the machine and give them the bottle caps (back when they had cork) to play one of several games different companies had to win prizes. In 1899, a New York City druggist named Franklin V. Canning created a chewing gum which he promoted as an aid to oral hygiene. I have wracked my brain so many times trying to come up with this name. I wish children today could have this wonderful "stuff". For the most part, these came in either 2 sticks or 5 sticks to a pack. Wow! Cause it taste good and it freshen up your breath. Its a shame no candy company has the recipes for the best candy there ever was. Unfortunately, from what we could find, it seems like Chum Gum fell out of the spotlight because so much focus was turned to Dubble Bubble by the company. Chiclets Peppermint Gum. My mouth is watering just thinking of those. Detroit, MI during the 60's at a place called Clem's Candy Store on Fenkell Avenue. Bubble Yum Rockin' Raspberry flavor. With the popularity of dark chocolate I would think that the Hollywood Candy Bar would have a huge following now Cant some company get the recipe and please bring it back. Love Chum GUM! If you swallow gum, it's true that your body can't digest it. I am 58 and living in North Carolina grew up in New England, I been telling my friends down here about chum gum the best where can i buy this gum so I can show them and go back you a great gum. You could smell it if it was in someone's pocket, that's how alluring the scent of it was! I have so many sweet memories of the penny candy counter where we could piss off the old lady that woryed there by tapping our quarters on the glass counter top. Oh, and I'm also from the great windy city of Chicago! Its been around for years. Miss it cant find it..Yumm, yumm. 33 years had passed from when Fleer discontinued it (1971) to when Tootsie Roll bought out Fleer (2004). I've often ask people if they remember Chum Gum and no one knows what I'm talking about. But Chum gum is the best tasting gum in the world. Did anyone know the name of these candies? Live in Indy, would walk past a neighborhood store on way to school bus stop, I always got some Chum Gum before getting on bus. I used to earn my Chum Gum reward, however. It was a sad ending to a fruitful history for the company. :). I bought Chum Gum back in the sixties too. Now the world has sugarless gum, organic gum, all-natural gum, and bubble gum and chewing gum in a full spectrum of flavors and colors. The following are links about Chum Gum you may find interesting. in order to get me int othe chair, he would coax me with either an Altoid or a Cert Spearmint. I grew up in West Tenn. and the Priccipal would let us walk to the store while we were waiting for the high school bus to come pick us up, (at the elementry school). You made my day :-). Have told my children how good it was and was hoping to find out where to get some.BEST gum ever. This candy now days cost almost $200 a bar and is not worth the cost. I do remember a beechnut gum that was striped. My company was stationed 60 klicks from our battalion headquarters in Schweinfurt. Both of these types of candies came in a bag holding multiple candies. Just did a google search and now I am blown away to see the number of people here who still remember this great chewing gum! Chum Gum was the best. Does anyone remember when Planters Peanuts (the 5 cent package) offered the enticement "You could find a nickle , dime or quarter in this package"? Now all we need is the ingredients. The BBE, Best Bubble Ever. look on ebay just type Chum Gum and you will see someone is selling 1 stick for $7 plus $2.5 for S/H. I can not believe all of these comments, I wish I could find this gum it smells and tastes so good. I believe many of the candy requests are sold there, my girlfriend enjoys Necco wafers, which they stock in many flavors. Do they still make beemans gum? Rauls corner store on the west side of Chicago was my supplier! I loved them. I truly miss it!!! IT. It was my favorite. WoW! I grew up in Washington, DC and would buy this most delicious gum at the corner stores on my way home from school in the late 60s and early 70s. I'm 53 and used to get Chum Gum at a place called the Huddle in Utica NY, along with a comic book. Chum gum lovers - You can make it yourself - no need to wait for someone to do it for you. I grew up in south Georgia and used to buy Chum Gum all the time. I mean there was really absolutely no reason for this response and I have never had an experience like that at a gas station before or since that one time. I'm 52 and it was my daily habit after school in East Los Angeles back in the 60's. I since have moved east and am always searching for "California Candy"! Yum yum chum gum!!! Sunflower seeds, banana popsickles and Chum Gum. I grew up in Kansas city, Kansas and bought Chum Gum at Newits market in the penny candy section. And we didn't worry about having sugar-free gum back then! My kid, grandkids & great-grandbaby will miss one of the greatest flavors of life without it. We got it at a store near the church it was called the e z buy store. Sure miss the 50's and the way things were. Oh how I wish they would bring it back! The smell, the taste - best ever. I sure wish they still made it. Beemans is sporadically produced by Cadbury Adams as a nostalgia gum, along with the other historic gums Clove and Black Jack. Please bring it back. And like many of you here no one that I know remembers it. I am 60 and like to think the best times are still here, just being alive and healthy. By the way, there was a reference to taffy and I believe you were talking about B-O-N-O-M-O, Bonomo Turkish Taffy! Would love to see it come back, at least for a trial year or two. I am 45 and I chewed that stuff in the 70's in Chicago where I was born. I'm still friends with some of the people that grew up with me. Dentyne - Wikipedia Thank you Rob Lambert for the info. I too have wonderful memories of walking to the corner store for Chum Gum and Bub's Daddy in the yardstick pkg. You can make some handy chum blocks doing this. I also thought no one else knew about it, I hope it comes back. I am so glad so many other people remember that gum. The commercial used to feature fruit falling throug the ceiling and landing on people making them go bonkers. When I was a child the candy bars were large and worth the money. I well remember Chum Gum. to the park and ballfields east of there. This bait works best to catch smaller channel cats and eating-size catfish because there is not enough blood to attract larger fish. it tasted so good. Maybe the makers of Chum Gum put a special ingredient to make us want it, kind of like cigarettes or something! Maybe it's a blood clot. Fleer - Wikipedia It did have a distinctive flavor and appearance.I'm from Chicago and I still look for it when I go into an old time candy store just hoping I can get a few cases of this gum that I have been bragging about for decades. I WANT MY WINTERGREEN CERTS BACK. I am looking for a candy from my youth called Pond Scum. Those were the good ole days! Used to be able to get it at ONE and only one ice cream place in Virginia. And it kept coming back into my head so I finally asked my best high school friend about it today and he came up with it immediately. He focused all of his marketing and efforts to the new gum and it was impressive. Great tasting molasses and chocolate candies were included in candy corn mix now boring, only sugar,no DISTINCTIVE flavor. Listen to all of us old gumheads, carrying on! Although chewing gum is designed to be chewed and not swallowed, it generally isn't harmful if swallowed. You got 3 sticks for a penny. Chum gum was the best!!! When I was a child we lived outside of Chicago IL and that's where we would buy the gum. The longer that plaque and tartar remain on your teeth, the more they irritate the gingiva, the part of your gum around the base of your teeth, causing inflammation. IT IS LIKE THE BEST GUM EVER.BRINGS ME BACK TO THE DAYS WHEN LIFE WAS GOOD,AND NOTHING BOTHERED ME.THOSE WERE THE DAYS. always had that powder coating on it. You bite off each end and use if as a straw. Hardly the case. I considered, and then did write to you, earlier this evening, about a older butterscotch & coconut based candy that Im still looking for, using a different type of tell us what you want form , different than this one, on this your website. I grew up in Greeley Colo. But the original wafers, there is no comparison to them. Tasted great, too! One thing we did find to be interesting was the fact that people were still finding Chum Gum for sale almost 20 years after it was officially discontinued. I used certs to help me quit smoking, I always carried a roll of speartment in my shirt pocket. If I could find it I would purchase all they had in stock and share with everyone! The ad went something like, 'Yikes, stripes, beechnut gum' it came in yellow, green and . Penney's disbanded the chain after 15 years to maintain focus on its high-end merchandise. I was engaged and my fianc was in the Air Force. I would give anything to have a "chew" once again! no one else seems to know what im talking about, so i'm glad I found this page. My sister and I would get Milkshake candy bars at Hoyt Pool near Milwaukee, and sometimes we would get them frozen and wow, were they amazing. near my home close to Marquette Michigan when I was four or so. Oh my gosh, I have dreamed of Chum Gum for years. Already been to Walmart, Target, and several grocery chains, no one has them. My mom would walk with us to the neighborhood candy store and we would purchase it along with turtles, bazooka joe bubble gum, Wish they would get the recipe and reintroduce it! WHERE CAN I BUY IT. Oh, to smell those again! Bargain! Oh yes, good Lord, I thought I had lost my mind or was having hallucinations and here there's a whole club of people with the Chum Gum jones, just like me! The Fleer Factory closed many years agoTo bad for us Chum Gum fans, My wife bought me on sale after easter. We have red vines, why not Chum Gum Let's ask Mark Summers Host of Unwrapped on the Food network!!!! After the flavor wore off, the sting would last for hours on your tongue. I am dying for a piece of CHUM GUM! I also could not find anyone who seem to remember it. Chum Gum was my favorite. It was actually the middle of my work day as a door to door salesman and I was stopping to get gas. Im 67 yers old and would purchase a case of Chum Gum if we could find it. It was so unique to chew. It seems everything that it ever really good is discontinued. The reason it was discontinued was because Fleer turned their focus to Dubble Bubble instead. Waaaaah! Ounce for ounce the best tasting bubble gum on the planet!!! Only cough drop I like, only cough drop I will use. My experience was in the 50's and 60's, though. Yes those were the days! Might be a big hit again. I miss Bonkers. //-->, Loading images, if this message doesn't go away you may need to enable javascript in order to see pictures. Unlike the howling mess we call the 21st Century. Made lots of spending cash buying Chum Gum by the case, while in Jr. High, and selling individually 4 for a nickle. Ask away and we will do our best to answer or find someone who can.We try to vet our answers to get you the most acurate answers. I was just telling someone that as a child in the earley 60's I would walk to a store in Garret Park, Maryland (2 miles away)to buy chum gum. it was the best texture and best tasting gum. Lets take it back to some of the memories of candy from years past. The funny thing about that is that one day, if we are still here, we will talk about these days as the "good old days". By the way Mack, if we're all losers what are you doing wasting your time reading our comments? What a shame. I just googled chum gum to see what I could find. It was simply the best gum ever some one should bring this gum back. Many people were still able to find the gum for up to 20 years after it had been discontinued. I miss you, Chum Gum. I have asked a lot of people in that era and they never heard of it. I lived in Stanton, Calif. We use to go to the corner store with a quarter and by a bag full of different candies to watch Astro Boy and Zolar. It came in a 5-stick pack that was white with the words Chum Gum in Navy Blue with some red highlights on the pack. Not sure why I have such loyalty to this particular confection but like other bloggers, it had a distinct taste and smooth texture. It was the New, Improved Hawk Missile, of greedy, pork-barrel-proficiency peddlers Raytheon Corp. That damned systems mobile radar units were so dependent on (apparently) cheaply made electronics that they were constantly failing when taken to the field and bounced around two-tracks and farmers fields. I hadnt thought about it much until a friend of mine brought up iconic candies from childhood and a quick search online trying to buy a tin of altoids left me feeling. Almost everyone is sold out of these products and any that would remain would be expired. I'm 62 and still remember this was the best gum I could buy. Fleer made the Chum Gum and it is now discontinued. Fifty cents would get me a whole bag. How I wish.someone would bring it back before Iam gone. I am so sad today in 2016 of finding out that they were discontinued. The refreshing chewing gum with the savory flavor of ground fish entrails. The gum is made by Fleer and if you want the EXACT taste you remember, they are packing it inside of the Movie cards from the Spirit movie being released December 19th 2008. Tootsie Roll has displayed no interest in reviving Chum Gum. Stir mixture and put back in for 5-10 seconds intervals until completely melted. My grandparents have passed on and I would love to be able to relive memories of cinnamon certs with my grandmother. My mouth's still watering, but that item's for external use only, a small tin of Heath & Henry cuticle cream, which was on sale as discontinued. Adams has brought back Clove, Beemans and Black Jack. Yeah man, I used to go to North Ward School on 4th Street and we'd go to Tussey's Drug Store. Anyone remember sputnik gum? No one that I know remembers this gum..can't figure that out! But there are a lot of other choices on that website that will bring back memories, at today's prices. I talk about Chum Gum atleast once a month. My dad took us to this candy factory in Detroit, MI once or twice a month. Chum Gum (History, Marketing & Pictures) - Snack History Cardboard like a real record. They would kill the market and make a lot of us so happy. http://cgi.ebay.com/CHUM-GUM-5-PIECES-VINTAGE-BUBBLE-GUM-FLEER-CHUM-GUM_W0QQitemZ300198065907QQcategoryZ35645QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWINQ3aPOST0Q3aRECOQ3aBIDQQcmdZViewItem. I am 61 yrs. I've searched for it everytime I see an All Candy store. Please try to get the recipe for the HOLLYWOOD Candy Bars ,as well as Butter-Nut Candy Bars POWER HOUSE Candy Bars Heard that company went out of business. I can't believe I found all of you. When they stop selling them I bought every BOX I could get my hands on. I am missing one of my all-time favorite candies. As The Saturday Evening Post lamented, however, the Chiclet disappeared in 2016, leaving, in its words, "only sad imitations of the brand" in its wake. Whenever I mention it to all of my friends it just brings back to good ole days. This Lane Tech grad (1970) enjoyed this gum for years - and wish some company would re-make it. I still miss that gum and would pay alot of money to have more. The old ad piece may still be availablebelieve it was around $15. I remember 3 sticks for a penny. The pure flavor of juicy fruit is gone. CHUM GUM ---YUM!!! 10 Discontinued Bubble Gums You'll Never Chew Again In fact, when I started dating, I would make my date (whoever it was) bring me a bag of Chum Gum bubble gum when he picked me up. First time I ever bought Chum Gum was 1959 at Szegedi's Candy Store near Birmingham Terrace. So glad I am not the only one whose friends look at me like I'm crazy when I mention it! A case of Wacky Wafers given to his TA got him home for our wedding. I have looked for it for years. Chum Gum, best gum ever! BEST GUM EVER MADE. I also grew up in chicago with CHUM GUM.It too brings me back to a simpler time. Frank Fleer and member of his family owned the business clear until 1989, more than 100 years after they began. There is a site to buy old time candy, but they didn't have it. Loved it. sure miss that gum tho. Chew one and give one to a Chum. The flavor was indescribable, my favorite gum. Nothing has ever compared to Chum. I last had it around 1971-72 and purchased it in a little Mom & Pop store off the Fellsway in Medford, MA. I see you are out of both. The gum is rather simple and mild. Certs. I did not know what the two piece penny gum was called. I'm glad to see so many comments about Chum Gum, I started chewing it in the 50's.
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